Good morning Brothers,
I can't get access into a Chines computer and apologize for that.
My point is that - DO NOT 100% commitment (e.g. when we face a dumb-mute guide is equal to the dumb-mute guide lokkong at us = DUMB MUTE).
I had a bitter experience with a sauna-girl commencing 3 years ago (March/2003) during which my mother did stop me (I promised my mother to quit that girl when I was at bedside before she passed away on Jan-04-2004 morning in H.K.).
I first met the sauna-girl at "Nam-Yum" March/2003 --- later she transferred to "TAI-CHI" --- I sponsored her to change her career as "facial consultant" --- she got the Certificate --- feel longly --- need boyfriend --- and went back to "MUI-FA" as sauna-girl --- her name is CHUNG x x #128 at MUI-FA" --- (I found out she use my money and got along someother boyfriend(s) --- in March2006 (JUST last month).
YOU KNOW WHAT was happening --- she quitted from "MUI-FA" and "changed her cell-phone" number --- making herself "lost-contact". This is the conclusion.
She might have transferred to some other places to work or back to Wubei.
Remember her name is CHUNG yuet-yuet and her "MUI-FA" number was 128.
Thanks for attention.