Originally posted by qast at 2006-5-5 17:51:
Hi Big Bro
THX so much!
Your brief information is very useful to me and all new coming Bros!
I have other questions as following: -
1) Per your info., 豪華房最巴閉 & it is worth to try, any other extra charge we need to pay finally (VIP房108,服務費80,閤計RMB 188), Bcos r 小費 from them is so trouble!
2) Can we sleep overnight after 135 minutes massage? Or they have any other minimum charge for sleeping.
3) 服務費RMB80 is the HJ charge to the BG? We need pay RMB80 to her at first or totally pay to the cashier couter at the end is OK?
4) Any Cheaper cash coupon or Discounted cash coupon offered from 翠粥 ah?
SORRY! We have so many questions! THX for your help!