Originally posted by lokchai at 2006-3-15 23:13:
Ok la,, but this first time i went there i think is around year 2000
since i been there, the previous supervisor Mr Liu, he was the assistant at the changing room.,.,then time pass,,,,he being and supervisor, and left ....
and i remember since i went there their uniform as a white polo shirt with long pants.
and since a critical time (some rules)...government not allow the rooms have door, and curtain, and many bed have to allocated in a big room (like 10 bed in a big room). and cannot hj,,(but already year 2001 or something.
but price was not change,,.,,,,
from the web, some gal i already tried,,,,
** , &*, !^, ((, ^!, !), ^*, @@, ^),
now i still explore more good no from there,... but i also interest to Ha Sa Ming kee.