原帖由 just4fun 於 2008-5-23 00:04 發表 ![](http://www.saunaguide88.com/forum/images/common/back.gif)
Honestly speaking, I won't go there in a short period of time.
Last Saturday was the first time I went there. The bg gave me her phone number and asked me to call her to serve me again because o ...
囡囡唔啱眼緣就冇計, 如果床尾機, 同佢講叫佢坐上黎, 同一般邪場唔同, 有時佢地唔一定一開始就坐係側邊, 可以唔被人搜身對佢地黎講當然就最好, 我都試過一囡囡, 先床尾, 後黎我拍拍床邊, 示意佢坐上黎, 佢跟住照做, 後黎仲愈玩愈激添.