Originally posted by robertchan at 2006-3-30 00:22:
第一次通常會比 d 好野你試,比一個好印象過你,博你返食,希望你幫個場宣揚下介紹多 d 人幫趁,之後你再去,你己經唔係生客,利用價值已經冇第一人次去咁高....唔洗出動『鎮場之寶』來招呼你... ...
Robert Bro....Disagree!!!
First time you go normally sure 輪牌的, no matter what you say to manager. then when you leave and pay, manager sometimes will come up and ask you good or not, now you should say 'ma ma dai la' 'normal only la' 'no supprise la' etc, then ask the manager who is the red card