Originally posted by 火都來 at 2006-7-17 11:40:
badboy 兄,你年紀都唔細啦,你見識 一定多過我....
我唔係 好了 解.... 你老婆 真係 比你 同 bg 一齊 玩 三人世界?
法律 唔係 最大問題, 你又唔係要 娶佢 過門, 當佢 "工仔" 咁放係 屋企有乜問 ...
That bg refused to have dinner each time when we (My wife and me) invited her, her reason was that It was unfair to my wife though she (my wife) had already said that it was OK. This monday I booked a room in hotel and asked my wife didn't come with me, then the bg agreed to arrived and we had a wonder afternoon (no ML), I touched her every part of skin and she shouted as if I made love with her. She left before my wife came at the evening. I might have something wrong with me that just after the bg left and before the arrival of my wife, I sent a SMS to refuse the bg and stop this story to develop further more. Afterwards the bg sent me a SMS that if I thought like this she had nothing to say. I felt
and :cry:. My wife noticed this and she wanted to call the bg for me but I didn't allow her to do so. Up to now, my wife still insisted me to call the bg or sent her a SMS to ask for re-union. I don't know how to do, should I eat my words?!!
P.S. I am not so old as you think, I just forty something only. I plan my retirment because my workload is too heavy and my money can afford me to live for the rest life.