Originally posted by itskt at 2007-10-28 23:46:
專車就最好, 之所以搭巴士, 原因都係怕一個人打的唔安全, 架的士係真係假唔識分, 遇到賊連走到無得走.
我地上去捉鼠, 點知比人當鼠捉, 人地係貓, 老鼠見貓, 只有走入去金光華, 地鐵呢d老鼠洞.
c hing,..thank you for your translation.........
Now, I'm still afraid........
Initally, we go to Kam Kwong Wah to find telephone ( I think they also go into Plaza...not too bad.)......but no phone there, and then go to the store nearby the Plaza....:cry: