



原帖由 korean 於 2008-11-19 00:01 發表
try !, !%, (*  la. Good luck friend. Remember they may not serve everybody the same way. So don't blame me.


原帖由 mongping 於 2008-11-19 00:18 發表

try !, !%, (*  la. Good luck friend. Remember they may not serve everybody the same way. So don't blame me.
MONGPING 兄...通常晚上見到你...竹園三十个BG....有那个沒試呀


原帖由 RAYMOND28 於 2008-11-19 00:57 發表
MONGPING 兄...通常晚上見到你...竹園三十个BG....有那个沒試呀
點及你老哥瞓竹記多過瞓屋企 , 你一入大門已經叫姑爺叫到出門口 。d 囡見到你有客响房等緊都唔想入去上鐘 , 希望你mark 佢 。咪玩我啦 , 要我晒冷 。我唔係成日去架, 舊時啱咀型 d 囡就多d 番點但家陣走晒咯, 所以試多咗幾件啫 , 其實有一半未試過因睇相唔多合眼緣。


其實去竹記主要都係想享受 一下part 2 既樂趣, 有好多bg 睇得但part 2 麻麻地. 有冇c 兄介紹下, 等我尋回一些樂趣.


83 is good

I try *# many times before. She serves me not bad after three times. She only povide HJ and touch the breast.I know many girls provide special service include BM and BJ.A few girls can make love in the sauna to hold the clinet to come back again.
The price we paid only include HJ and not all girls other service provide special service.*# work in normal sauna before so if you want HJ and good massage. She is a good choice. If you want special service ,this girl not suitable for you.Each girl has the bottom line. We cannot forece every girl to give you special service. I try *# more than one year. I didn't get any special only HJ and touch the breast during HJ.If you respected to her , you are not only her client. You are also her friend.Many brother like big breast but I like small one. I like *# breast because she give yous girlfriend feel.

robertchan : 寧比人知,莫比人見,囡囡號碼改為用密碼。

[ 本帖最後由 robertchan 於 2008-11-20 18:38 編輯 ]



If you are looking for good part 2, i would suggest you to go for No.^^.  But she is not always giving u surprise. She gave me a big surprise last week I visited.  Very good part 2 ...but u know..bone skill average.
And the most important thing is, she can make horny by just looking her body figure....Mammamia !!!!


原帖由 korean 於 2008-11-20 22:46 發表

If you are looking for good part 2, i would suggest you to go for No.^^.  But she is not always giving u surprise. She gave me a big surprise last week I visited.  Very good part 2 ...b ...
what surprise? I took her once several years ago but I never come back for her again even though she has pretty face and attractive figures. I hope her service is improving in this few years.
BTW, would korean please send me a private mail, I really eager to know the surprise.Thanks

[ 本帖最後由 vbsex 於 2008-11-21 06:39 編輯 ]

