


那裡可以查到福田區所有“休閑中心”之名冊﹐例如網址﹐ 多多幫忙。只是“休閑中心”。


(apologize, I am now at my work place and can get no Chinese computer)
ABSOLUTELY simple citizen.  Because my BG girlfriend in Shenzhen area was "lost", "changed" telephone number, etc.  She once mentioned 2 months ago working at Fook Tin Area.
I wish and/or try to "DIG" her out.   Please help.


response to Leung,
I could not open the website that you recommended. I never did anything to it.


response to HAMMY:-
it was a long story way back 3 years ago.
Simply speaking --- I gave her some money and she spend it with another guide (I got evidence with pictures) --- then she "lost" herself from the original working place and transferred somewhere in FookTin area.
I am planning to "VISIT" her mother/family at Wubei ( I have the address).


Thanks brothers for your kind advice.
My thinking or the Rules of the Game is that --- she should talk with me about the situation --- then separation --- is fine.  Instead she "vapourized" herself which made me really frustrated. The only issue I am aware of --- she works only in the "Good-Shops---Yau-Han-Chung-Sum" in nearby Fook Tin Area.  
The way I guess should "do something" to her mother at Country home --- then she will retrieve her presence (I keep very many of her "DIGITAL PHOTOS/PICTURES" as well)--- because mother doesn't know she worked as a BG --- I have the mother's phone number & address --- but I do not speak Wubei dialact.
No way to marry her --- the first day we met in our agreement.  Also I did pay for her aborption 2 years ago under the "468" treatment in Shenzhen.
She took away from me Y10,000.00 in January2006 when I was in HK/Shenzhen.
Honest speaking --- she is nice --- What should I do and/or What could I do???

