

Originally posted by jj99 at 2006-2-14 21:47:
Today afternoon I visit this sauna. The sauna is very big, hardware is good.
Pure plan is CNY180 for 90min, HJ plan is CNY328 for 90min, expensive!
They said No.^) is not  there at  that time, so I said I want a beatiful BG.
After 1min,  BG is come in.
No.%)    not beatiful, but young and pretty, slim, not tall.
Her dress is like skirt, can not see under,  not sailor dress.
She is good talking, I said I want ML, she said only can HJ in there.
Part 1 skill just ok, part 2(HJ) is "bed end plane"!!   and no RPP!
Only can touch her ball and sister outside her dress.
Never try again!
not beatiful, but young and pretty 即係點呀 ? 床尾機點解又可以
touch her ball and sister outside her dress 既?有 d r 頭!

