所以之前骨總兄曾質疑個 report 係有絕對理由 , 因為個 report very hard sell 好掂 , 以下係我轉貼友台 txxxxxy 對金海港的評語.
發表人 ~ peninsula
超級貴賓 super VIP
金海港 -> $138 包 HJ but ...
06/03/01 02:19 PM
I tried yesterday and was rather disappointed despite the low price. Locker/shower area and the resting area are small. Serviecs were poor and massage rooms have bad paint/decoration smell. Girls are just so so. Most will just HJ and not really do anything else as they don't really know how. Some only prefer to do ML at $480 and ice fire at $330 as they will only get $70 per HJ customer.
Overall, I will not go again. Much prefer Yick Hong Tong and Shum Lai despite higher price.
發表人 ~peninsula
超級貴賓 super VIP
金海港 -> $138 包 HJ but ... [Re: hokatung]
06/03/07 01:15 PM
Yes, that's why I would rather pay $168 and have HJ at Yick Hong Tong or Shum Lai where service is more guaranteed!
發表人 ~ peninsula
超級貴賓 super VIP
金海港 -> $138 包 HJ but ... [Re: waveman]
06/03/15 04:09 PM
However good the software maybe, I won't go to 金海港 again. There is no guarantee of service and the BGs only prefer to do higher price courses (not HJ). And for those prices, there are many other options.
[ Last edited by mark34 on 2006-3-18 at 23:29 ]