Originally posted by 火都來 at 2006-9-28 16:00: 唔會.. 排長係 老友之一 , 我諗佢未得閒 寫 落去 之麻..
Originally posted by 火都來 at 2006-9-29 10:27: 做得 師兄弟 就會 互相信任.. 做兄弟.. 有今生無來世... 我從來不會 放棄自己的兄弟.
Originally posted by icanfly at 2006-10-1 20:35: very good report, some of the sauna room without lock, they told me that according to law
Originally posted by icanfly at 2006-10-1 21:54: they just use a small steel bar put inside the hole in the floor, so people suppose cannot go inside