Originally posted by itskt at 2007-9-4 20:56: 外語了得的是ilovesz師兄, 中文我還可以濫芋充數. 跟ilovesz師兄遭遇不同, 我在邪骨場也遇過年近三十或已過三十的囡囡, 三年又三年, 最終真的可以走嗎?
Originally posted by mongping at 2007-9-5 01:04: Each of them has a target in mind. If they do 正骨, it takes 5-6 years to meet their target. However the short cut is 邪骨. Of course there is no free lunch on earth and not everyone is willing to do 邪骨. You're right, those bgs i knew from 邪骨 went back home after 3-4 yrs work in SZ.
Originally posted by hamgerchan at 2007-9-5 01:22: 我知有d邪骨女係深圳幾年就想方法搭上香港人,休息幾年申請到黎香港做「陀北」
Originally posted by itskt at 2007-9-5 13:08: 同做其他行業一樣. bg能否轉行, 要睇有冇意願及能力.
Originally posted by 老蚊子 at 2007-9-6 15:45: 另外,波波揸得多会堕,变得松弛,好多红牌都系这样渡过自己的黄金期,慢慢就会退出啦。