Originally posted by chinabb169 at 2007-3-13 01:52: she ?
Originally posted by 米高jackso at 2007-3-13 05:23: 真人好細粒超矮皮膚黃咁咁 , 近乎平胸有魚尾紋制唔過.
Originally posted by taka_007 at 2007-3-14 01:11: same as photos,. few years before i always mark her (at leave 5 or 6 times) but now will not as she becomes mature...
Originally posted by ilovesz at 2007-3-16 14:04: pantsu, is this new !@ , why different with the photo of that !@ here ?
Originally posted by ilovesz at 2007-3-16 14:27: how is their service ? open or not ?
Originally posted by taka_007 at 2007-3-17 00:42: !@ is not new gal. work from chuk yuen a long long time
Originally posted by taka_007 at 2007-3-18 04:20: as my understanding, at least work for chuk yuen more than four years.