Originally posted by leesan66 at 2006-2-18 09:35: After 試左前列腺,my energy have 30% up.......really:th_up:
Originally posted by robertchan at 2006-2-18 09:48: 有冇咁勁呀?: o哦...即係.....你之前可以維持 3分鐘,而家即係....3X1.3 = 4分鐘 (講笑0者)[/color]
Originally posted by leesan66 at 2006-2-18 09:59: I don't care how much 精子數目 I don't care how many mins I just care how many time per day....hehe It is the most important:th_up:
Originally posted by leesan66 at 2006-2-18 10:20: It is FxxK a beautiful girl who with a 勁 到 爆 炸 的 G Cup 豪 乳 and differenct kind of AV Star and visit 桑拿街論壇 to get more information:victory: