
Report on CP (Feb 14)

Originally posted by morganstanley at 2006-2-15 10:43:
It's my 1st time  to go to CP for xxxxxxx
Previously I got some comments & suggestions on this forum about CP.
Then I went to Guan Yuet from SZ to CP and then changed to motorbike (rmb 5) tha ...
Did the bg do body massage and ice fire for you? How many minutes in shower, blowjob, and mating respectively?


Originally posted by morganstanley at 2006-2-15 11:11:
Yeah !  she made ice-fire to me on the bed.
For the shower,  I can't remember.  It's about 10 minutes.
BJ lasted for about 10 - 13 minutes as I did my best to stop volcanic eruption.
Mating last ...
So you'd missd the exciting part on body massage! How you spent the remaining 90minutes?


Originally posted by morganstanley at 2006-2-15 11:21:
sorry !
she also did the BM on me .
but I can't remember how long it lasted
coz' I was too excited

Could you tell me your experience in CP ?
I've never been to CP before. Next time I go I give you report here. So how many minutes you spent including the normal massage?


Originally posted by leesan66 at 2006-2-15 11:46:
Acturally, It will take 2 hrs for 2 parts, but you can request to for your what you like...
Last time I went that I request part 2 only, icefire took her 30 mins..hehe
i tried doing in a sauna in singapore.  ML no remove shirt and bra and only for 10mins. part 1 only 2mins. BJ only 15 seconds. Price=S$120 but the bg quite pretty.

[ Last edited by Picocloud on 2006-2-15 at 11:53 ]

