
KFu !%

KFu !%

As this is a new place, went up to take a look for the first time
the place was ok, so the manager quickly sent 3 girls for me to choose
*^, #^ and !%
heard that #^ was really good from chings here, but !% was pretty and cute, just like a girl next door, so i picked her
nightmare started
she was cold, so i started to talk to her for a bit
then she kept talking about Hunan TV shows... and switched on the TV to that TV show
then she hurried to get the oil... without much massage....
back after 10 mins... quickly started her job... short BT, just like touch and go
jelly was done in less than a minute
then started her job at the other end of the bed
cant touch anywhere.... and she wont come back.... i had to go to her to grab her ball-ball,
after the job done, still had 30 mins... she requested to leave.... i was disappointted, and let her go anyway... because i dont see the point of keeping her in the room, when she doesnt really want to anyway...
wont ever choose her again


Definately would
looks like #^ would be a much better choice~

