
HK$ unhappy report - waste money

Ching, don't be depress, That the bone life,
Sometimes try good and sometimes try bad,
If there is no comparison, how could we know which is good, which is bad, what is bonus & additional value,

So keep going,   try more.


原帖由 lonely 於 2009-12-14 22:40 發表
In general, the service provided by the bg in HK$ is acceptable.  Perhaps, C-hing met an exception.  Normally speaking, not every bg would permit the client to touch her 'sister'  for hygienic reason. ...
Fully Support "That is a manner to show respect to a person, undoubtedly, including a bg."


Excuse me to express something off the topic.
Well, I didn't know C hings in guide guide have such high english writing standard. :good2: :good2:    

I believe show hing doesn't mean to lie or play game in here. He may really have a bad luck or bg at that moment got a bad mood to serve show hing.

Wake up! try more!
I am looking forward to seeing your satisfaction report very soon.

