

回復 41# 的帖子

Ching, even you have the "royal package" $168, the js will still ask you for tips.  Therefore, it will not save any money.  The only different is that they will serve you for HJ always, but for the others, you can only rely on uck.


回復 42# 的帖子

no lar Ching, actually if the normal js willing to serve you for that, it saves a lot as the massage price is a big different.  The $168 package will still ask you for tips.  Therefore, it's not normally happens.  

By the way, the js for normal massage are not pretty and the one serve royal packages would be younger and sometimes prettier.


This Sauna will have renovation in March

To all Ching,

I heard that this sauna will have renovation in March, most of the js will go home and "maybe" come back after renovation.  I am not sure about the arrangement in detail, I may go this week (tomorrow or friday).  

If you have money in their hand, I suggest you used up before they close for renovation.  It's more safe.

