
仆街 timwxy website 信唔能過

仆街 timwxy website 信唔能過

too much writer too much 應聲蟲 my post always deleted by someone ^^^^^^ if some of comment they dont accept , member will be (禁止訪問) now is writer world ~~~ nomore freedom forum  and so much writer fake report  dont trust that pk website anymore

please look what he said to all of you
中級會員 2007-8-23 10:02

UID 178691
性別  男
精華 1
積分 1015
帖子 74
體力 325
威望 325
金錢 160
閱讀權限 70
註冊 2006-9-21
狀態 離線

I post my comment on saunaguideXX about BG & yesterday, and today I found that they delete my posting without inform to me. So it prove that this PK website forum only provide wrong information by their writer to promote their customer
So dear all C-Hing, please don't trust this PK website saunaguidexx any more.


from 仆街 timwxy HK Sauna 香港桑拿浴室及上樓骨

by sexpartner

有係佢地個網賣廣告就讚不絕口, 正鱔稿王.


Originally posted by 我係廚房仔 at 2007-8-28 09:12:
尼條友幾個網都見過佢, 專出抽水帖, 成日得把西口話blacklist呀有人問料佢實話老呀差呀咁, 話時話尼個柒頭未見過佢有貢獻咁九乞兒過wor
sixpartner ?

