

  bro...so lucky...first time....rat rat la....

Is she young ?? Can pm no. ??

thx a lot....



Can't find the bg.....

Then, only very pure bone.........

Bathing area: 8 (ok woo.....:th_up

Waiting area: 7 (chair quite big and comfort...can up and down automatically!)

Services: 4 (they chat and their voice very large..., one more....the cleansing
worker just clean the carpet....very very noisy...)

Canteen: 6 (Food ok la...but quite expensive......)

Room: 8 (Clean, LCD, air-condition, lighting..all OK!!)

Skills:  Part I 6.5 (I want to find a young one....skills acceptable!)

Part II :cry:  so no scoring.....try to talk with her.....as she is young, white skin, and quite talk......but she confirm that the place she worked is very very pure....of course...no rat rat.....

Finally, I give her $50 tips.....and will find her next time.....and I always go afternoon...and she reject me.....she work night...and will not come to saunna afternoon even call her................  

I just pure bone...and never touch her....$50 tips ok laa? her saying  hurt me...


Originally posted by robertchan at 2007-6-17 00:33:

加 10%服務費,在心理上會覺得很貴。
假如「女士」是靚女而不是 C9兵團,就沒所謂。
  yes......some quite young.....and sleeping when I come...I just sit beside her........and see her white legs.......


Originally posted by robertchan at 2007-6-17 00:46:

見到最多靚女(客人,不是技師)的場是太平洋,大都是年青的優皮一族,有部份是吸煙的港女,我去過皇室幾次,果度仲多靚女客人,不過我唔會專登為 "目乃"女而去,因為果班女太 inch. ...
  Wan Cheong la...

Some ladies...go there buffet only...and some will bone bone...

Personally, quite diff. from HK girls or C9....they are quite, polite...and of course...very young, beauty and sharp !!


Originally posted by robertchan at 2007-6-17 00:52:

John 兄,宏昌有咩好技師推介?

Pure bone:
Beauty BG: *
Skillful BG: #!
Leg: ^(^ (need additional pay)

A new style....can have rat rat....


Originally posted by mrkklo at 2007-6-17 00:55:

我公司樓下成日都企 4 - 5 個後生女係度扯煙 ,
有兩三個都幾睇得下 .
  c hing...no way....HK girls....

If you look at her.....she will use her eyes...@#$%$#^% you....just like killing her family.......

However, in china...if you look at a lady, she always give smile to you......


Originally posted by mrkklo at 2007-6-17 01:28:

話時話 , 宏昌 d buffet 真係唔錯架 ( 在深圳 ).
yes, that's why I always go there from Monday to Friday...Free Buffet......


Thx c hing.............I finally try her la.......

Just like your description.....

Face:  ok la...but a bit fat...(She told me she eat many in this few years!! )

Size: ball ball...ok woo...quite big...and long legs.....

Services:  ok ok....and very excited.....as many colleagues and customers walk around and around....we are so excited to do the job..........

Other servies: still need improvement particularly the waiter and cleansing worker outsides....some don't know how to use the computer...I wait for 20 min. to arrange room...and the worker always clean the carpet...very noicy......

