



First of all, Thx a lot !! Big c hing Robertchan's great advice.

The following is coded by Robertchan's previous comments.

出黎吃飯好平常o者,即係等如你經常在一間麥記幫趁,而你見到一個靚女,想同佢做朋友,你會唔會約佢出來吃飯呢? 情況一樣。當然,你約人果時咪鬼陰陰笑蛇頭鼠眼,咁囡囡就唔會誤會。切勿戴有色眼鏡,以為同佢地出來就會以為對方當你鹹蟲,也不要覺得同囡囡出來吃飯唔正經。如果在香港,梗唔會約骨妹,但因為在國內,比人撞見機會低,所以唔怕。

骨場囡囡平時冇咩時間,每月只得兩、三天閒日才可以放的假期,如果你也是打工仔,要週末先有時間,你只得兩個選擇 :
1. 週末幫囡囡買鐘
2. 就囡囡之空檔時間,例如佢返早班,你就約佢黃昏;返晚班,你就約佢下午。



This is second part (also coded by Robertchan!)

1. what do u want to achieve, say, just play play or you want her to be your girlfriend
2. to what extent you invest in this BG in terms of $$$ and time
3. your risk profile (in case of failure, what you can accept without affecting your daily life)

假設你已 set 好bottom line & 你已準備隨時 cut loss.....

假設那是正場純情妹,你就可以當佢係銀行妹咁去對待,以一些正經活動為依歸。通當正經純情女仔鐘意乜? 九成都係靜態,行下街,買下野,睇下戲,食下飯,聽下歌,睇下書.......如果係跳札札既,就會鐘意溜下冰,跳下舞,行下山,旅下行.....我 up 咁多野,無非比小小 hints 你,等你知道佢鐘意 d 乜,然後投其所好,打開話題。如果你口才唔係好到加零一,你就要借助「道具」,可以先送小小野比佢,吸引佢對你既注意力,覺得你呢個人係生存o係人間,而又有誠意想同佢做朋友既雄性動物。送 d 乜,都話明道具,唔洗貴,係用黎過橋,打開話題 ....睇下佢平時同你按摩拎住果個箱仔缺小 d 乜野,然後買件比佢,都係不外乎小梳,鏡,指甲鉗之類.....去2元店搵件,選岩有佢鐘意既公仔或圖案就可以。如果你想拎高小小分,花多小小心思,買支小筆,memo pad,筆型手電筒....跟住同佢講,話你見到佢支筆唔係咁好寫,又冇紙仔寫電話比客人,簽單又唔夠光.........於是特別同佢買...以顯示你心細如塵......呢件小小禮物就係一隻雄蜘蛛向一隻雌蜘蛛表示友好的信物。記住,呢件野只係「藥引」,只用作打開話題,至於小弟,我就鐘意送手機繩,嘿嘿。


Originally posted by robertchan at 2007-1-1 23:16:

你中毒太深,快 d 壯士斷臂先,然後洗腦,再由頭開始。
c hing..........I'm also sinking ar...........and now just go to rat rat ...want to distort my concentration.........:smile1:

But still thinking of her........... and met her for a dinner law.....and follow you to buy a little gift to her.....


Originally posted by robertchan at 2007-1-2 00:37:

細路,你去到兩野比佢吞左落肚啦,骨都冇得淨。我果次去會佢,佢同我 d 對話,句句有骨,字字珠璣。
  High Hand VS High Hand la...:victory:


I met the pure girl today,..of course 2 hrs massage sin....


1) Giving her a gift...(learn from c hing robert)....a hello kitty phone hang clips

2) She ...That's great...she like it !!

3) Then, I ask her for a dinner after work (5pm !!)....and I use many wording la....

4) She eventually ok la...as her relatives not at home...she go out for dinner....and I take the chance.....

5) However, my communication skills is not very good in Puton languages....very limited....she also don't know cantonese very much...she came here only 1 year !!

6) just dinner....quite boring....

7) I ask her about hobby la....but she said she know nothing...just fond of sleeping and then laugh....

8) singing, reading, watch film, shopping, hiking, swiming........ no one like.....no entrance point...

9) I then want to take photo with her ,.her pretty faces ma.... she don't like....

10) Then, I told her I'm quite pofessional and show some photo to her....finally, she agreed to take some la,.:heart:....now I have her pics....very happy...but can get another program with her in future...no entrance point ar...

Robert c hing...please help me ar......

