Originally posted by tang at 2006-3-8 22:25:
甘我又无见到有无巴打被带走,不过我中午经过见到有3部车,一部猪龙车,一部吉普,一部小车停响度,跟住就有4-5个 ...
That's why I don't like some post has no detail to describe what the bros had seen at that moment. Just only saild "今天途经金碧,见有几架GA车在门口,跟住有几个GA出来,大家去小心", it's not meaningful.
I saw the same case in China last Sunday, only GA 车停响 飛龍桑拿门口, so what??
I only report what I saw, if I don't know the detail, I prefer not report . This kind of message mis-lead us this post want to attack other 桑拿.