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十八 Sauna

十八 Sauna

十八 Sauna

Already back from Macau, then report to all brothers....
Bought package (Taiwan/Vietnam Style) from Seng Kong Travel $1546.
Goto "Golden Dragon Casino" won $1500 (very happy, free trip!)
At about 5:00p.m. goto 18 sauna
So many customer in there. i saw three times to the girl show. Almost 8:30p.m.. I choose a South Vietnam girl no ^!(. she is very beautiful (for me). She looks like a mix. and very aggressive on the bed.... Happy trip!

report complete.


Sure no problem!
When I go inside, the bathroom and the pool is quit big (but not bigger than Tai Pan Sauna and Rio Sauna). Per half an hour one show provided.
There has four table dance show girl dancing during the show time ( also can chose them).
Show at 5:30p.m.:
just about 30 girls appear can chose....-------rejected.

Show at 7:00p.m.:
almost 60 girls appear....quit good, but also rejected becuase i'm hungry and need to eat the buffet inside the rest area.

Show at 8:30p.m.:
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..................almost 100 girls appear!!!!!!!! there is not enough stand area in the bathroom... so many many many girl......

At about 8:40p.m.:

Goto room and meet the vietnam girl. she is 20 yrs old and can speak a little bite cantonese. her BM skill is quite good and the blowjob skill is very good (without condom, like the av girl have a deep blowjob voice!!!).......then ML.......

After ML, she take to me that she wanna have one more Q with me. But, actually, my little brother is not allow me to do one more Q....so i reject her...

P.S. During ML, she "French kiss" me to my mouth all the time.....lovely.

[ Last edited by bigheadk on 2006-8-20 at 03:34 ]


no response.......:cry::cry::cry::cry:

Maybe I post to the wrong place...

[ Last edited by bigheadk on 2006-8-20 at 11:02 ]


Originally posted by robertchan at 2006-8-20 11:13:

Macau may be a good choice during this critical moment.
Thank you Robert and all brothers' Opinion, as I do not know how to type Chinese in p.c.. I'm also the 100% "骨友". everybody can type either chinese and english, thank you!


To brother chinaFighter:

The Taiwan Style sure is "north mushroom" lar! I think there has not real Taiwanese.

To brother peter99w:

Sorry I really can not type chinese, forgive me please.

To "超級版主, 骨總"

It's my pleasure! It is no need to have the buffet coupon because they provide dinner buffet from 7:00pm to 10:00pm everyday. And the quality of the food is so far so good.

To brother "Bon"

Agree with your point. But, as you may know, play in Macau is always has good quality and the most important thing is....0% risky!

At last, thank you all brothers reply my report in there!


Originally posted by wing123 at 2006-8-21 13:31:
free trip真係太開心了.......玩個陣都特別醒~相對而言如果係輸左既話就.......
Of course unhappy if I lost. But nevermind lar, because I supposed to spend this budget for sauna and I have already set the bottom line for gamble ma....


Originally posted by robertchan at 2006-8-21 22:25:

如果係輸左既話就.................慳慳地洗,去十月初五街附近果間有幾十年歷史既酒店『新中央』訓一晚,頂樓仲有 100 - 150 一 Q.......嘿嘿嘿......

[ L ...
eeEEE!!?? Robert 版主, Could you please explain more detail about the "頂樓仲有 100 - 150 一 Q" please............


Originally posted by robertchan at 2006-8-21 23:34:

我唔太記得詳細地址,你可以由市政廳沿巴士線行去與碼頭反方向之十月初五街,你隨街問人邊度新中央酒店,一定有人知。新中央房間都好平,兩舊零就有交易,11樓係果味野,兩舊有交易,非繁忙時段仲 ...
Thanks a lot!



As your aforesaid mentioned. It is quite high risk for me. I prefer saving more $ to goto "18 Sauna" one more time rather than "有 100 - 150 一 Q" lar....

[ Last edited by bigheadk on 2006-8-22 at 00:47 ]


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