原帖由 kkbbq 於 2008-5-17 07:10 發表 LV師兄 惨遭囡囡迷姦 更要失去現金1018元 國內遊玩 要認真小心 LV師兄今次被劫財劫色 是大家的警號 在此向大家呼籲"去滾前咪飲"
原帖由 just4fun 於 2008-5-17 18:57 發表 Yes, died on a SN bed with a bg and shown on newspapers is really bad. Just kidding ! I've not tried #! yet. She is very famous because of two things. The first one is her beauty. :thumbs_ ...
原帖由 發仔 於 2008-5-18 00:44 發表 "頭身兩節色" 點解?有咩唔妥? 晒黑咗塊面?抑或黑口黑面?
原帖由 發仔 於 2008-5-18 00:58 發表 呢樣嘢堅定流架? 係咪白蘭地加隻旦? 飲1杯即變超人, 打孖飲變超超人! (以前有齣鹹片係咁樣講)