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標題: Sharing some looks young Spa BG in Prince Edward Simple report only [打印本頁]

作者: bdjjoli    時間: 2010-9-9 14:42     標題: Sharing some looks young Spa BG in Prince Edward Simple report only

20-30 spa bg in XXX=
this few months not much try:
MMG= looks better "canXX= ... [/quote]    (6/1/2 post)

MMG- Man Mai Gee in shanghai ST. /Brut ST
tried : "Candy" 20+ P12 ok la happy face; "+0"(short like JAP julianna dance girl) very good spa skills in P1, P2 average; "GiGi" some said is Vietnam both P12 are average; new BG"Manx2" 20+ young with smoky eyes MCOT

LDN = Lo Dan Na in sai yeung choi near brut ST
tried "Waix2" looks still good around 30+ talkative P12 both good; "Gee Yee" tall P1 very good P2 very good will have...=0=

old YMC= Yuen Mai Gee now call Gam Mai Gee now only one "Ada" is young 20+ P1 lower than average P2 ok la, only young

hoping all can read and understand.

use XXX just don't want to do free promotion in sauna guide here ( me a long term reader in sauna guidehere, new player in HK Spa, old player in HK sauna since 1990)

3Q all take time to read my post just want to share hope no police in this web. kindly pls kept in 香港桑拿、上樓骨及足浴 here 3q very much!!!
作者: forester18    時間: 2010-9-9 23:51

假若有幫襯過, 就會睇得明。:biggrin:
作者: jjs    時間: 2010-9-10 00:40

for me young bg is so important, skill is second
作者: 發記    時間: 2010-9-10 00:43

作者: bdjjoli    時間: 2010-9-10 13:13

so now, any spa recommend ( need looks young, update, no big 6 C9 looking I prefer, if tall will very good).
Hi, Fat Kee where you go to play now?
作者: bdjjoli    時間: 2010-9-10 14:55

..the Gee Y will your L_N. pls fill in the blank.
作者: ttwai    時間: 2010-9-13 03:44

我都有2-3個月冇去YMC 听聞有新BG 5知有冇師兄試過 期待報告:_n8:
作者: 我係廚房仔    時間: 2010-9-13 06:56

原帖由 無間地獄 於 2010-9-9 16:23 發表
唔係重點果d 睇得明, 反而係重點果d 睇唔明, 如冇ching可以幫手翻譯.

20-30溫泉保函在XXX =
最大肌力=好看“canXX = ... [/報價]頁 = 4(6/1/2員額)

最大肌力滿麥格阿在上海街。 /香檳 ST段
審判:“糖果”20 +的P12確定拉笑臉;“0”(短像日版茱莉安娜瑪舞蹈女孩)非常好的溫泉技能的P1,P2的平均水平;“吉吉”有人說是越南的平均的P12是,新的保函“ Manx2“20 +年輕黑煙眼睛MCOT

LDN =蘆丹娜在西洋菜ST段附近香檳
審判“Waix2”看起來還是不錯的30 +健談的P12都好,“吉儀”高腳小一小二非常好非常好的有...= 0 =

老YMC =玄麥格阿現在請邯麥格閼現在只有一個“阿達”是年輕的20 +小一小二確定低於平均啦,只有年輕



作者: ttwai    時間: 2010-9-13 07:14

原帖由 我係廚房仔 於 2010-9-13 06:56 發表

20-30溫泉保函在XXX =
最大肌力=好看“canXX = ... [/報價] ...
:good2: 難為你囉師兄  花咁多心機:biggrin:
作者: 大袋淫魔2005    時間: 2010-9-13 07:47

作者: legleg    時間: 2010-9-13 10:24     標題: 回復 1# 的帖子

Yes, Man x2 really gave me a gf feel!
作者: bdjjoli    時間: 2010-9-13 11:44

legleg C Hing, how's GF feel ah? would U mind share some more ?
and 3q for the gXXgle translate up stair
作者: redtshirt    時間: 2010-9-13 16:13

anothe site said Gigi had left.  Maybe I should go for Manman
作者: legleg    時間: 2010-9-15 14:39

原帖由 bdjjoli 於 2010-9-13 11:44 發表
legleg C Hing, how's GF feel ah? would U mind share some more ?
and 3q for the gXXgle translate up stair
She treated me like her bf from sanding, bathing, and the main event.  After it's all finished, we hugged for a wile and had a few goodbye kisses b4 I left the store.  You won't find many USB offering such comprehensive service these days.

[ 本帖最後由 legleg 於 2010-9-15 14:42 編輯 ]
作者: redtshirt    時間: 2010-9-15 16:46

How long does Man Man offer massage, 30 minutes?
作者: kenl9lam    時間: 2010-9-15 20:13

作者: legleg    時間: 2010-9-17 15:01

[quote]原帖由 redtshirt 於 2010-9-15 16:46 發表
How long does Man Man offer massage, 30 minutes? [/quote
Around that, may be a bit less.  The whole package about 100 mins.
作者: outout    時間: 2010-9-18 07:21

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作者: babycry1    時間: 2010-9-19 09:09     標題: 回復 18# 的帖子

好少部份會足100 mins

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