原帖由 愛的逃兵 於 2010-5-21 17:10 發表
我一直都反對啲客人去用手搞囡囡下面,其實係一件好唔衛生同好自私嘅行為。你諗吓我哋啲手指上沾滿咁多細菌,你仲放入去搞人家下面係一件幾唔衛生嘅事﹗此終有一日她們會被弄傷 ...
原帖由 愛的逃兵 於 2010-5-21 17:10 發表
我一直都反對啲客人去用手搞囡囡下面,其實係一件好唔衛生同好自私嘅行為。你諗吓我哋啲手指上沾滿咁多細菌,你仲放入去搞人家下面係一件幾唔衛生嘅事﹗此終有一日她們會被弄傷 ...
原帖由 lonely 於 2010-5-21 08:53 發表
In general, C-hing would like to touch the bg's pussy. As time goes by, such designated action would generate the disease of her organ. Therefore, do we consider the reason why some bgs refuse the cl ...
原帖由 暗黑騎士 於 2010-6-5 01:29 發表
差不多時間, 5月2x左右, 我都幫趁左個BG, 唔開NO.啦, 佢一入黎就按住個肚, 話小腹痛, 又用紙巾伸入妹妹度抺, 當時我諗, 唔係"奶"左野呀?? 彈唔彈佢好呢....![]()
隔左一陣, 佢又話沒野, 我諗佢會唔會玩 ...
原帖由 lonely 於 2010-5-21 17:35 發表
There is no independant bathroom in most of the sauna places in Shen Zhen. Most of the clients would not have a bath immediately after hand job or ml until the time is up. After touching or digging ...
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