原帖由 好淫一個 於 2010-5-20 22:02 發表
,咁就試左家姐,家姐黎到,好熱情,主動攬吓車吓,反身按背,又OK喎,手指夠力,按得都舒服:good2: ...
原帖由 klfung1031 於 2010-6-11 14:09 發表
海越家姐我都未試過, 不過見有c兄講佢服務態度幾好,
樣又有d人妻feel, 下次有機會想試啫,
不過佢波波唔大, 搵佢玩188果隻算了.
@!! 係大波妹黎, 不過之前有report講佢唔係好放.
原帖由 mongping 於 2010-6-11 18:09 發表
put her to your reserve list la. Don't think her balls can meet your requirements. I tried before. Old pics with big balls but a bit disappointed when she came into the room.
原帖由 mongping 於 2010-6-11 18:09 發表
put her to your reserve list la. Don't think her balls can meet your requirements. I tried before. Old pics with big balls but a bit disappointed when she came into the room.
原帖由 klfung1031 於 2010-6-12 01:43 發表
有c兄話佢係車神黎喎!! 真係要搵佢試試.
佢d新相, 有幾張相影得好似拍3仔果個佐滕美紀咁既樣.
正宗團地妻feel. 超正.:good2:
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