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標題: 海月華停 first time report [打印本頁]

作者: showing2009    時間: 2009-5-16 22:41     標題: 海月華停 first time report

after seeing many posts, finally had a try today in 海月華停 and post the first time in here.

Didn't know the distance between the MTR station and the center, walked very long way and lucky to have the map I got from here (thanks very much for the CHing who posted that map).  

After shower, went into the food massage area, manager (Mr. Lee) approached me and ask me what number I used to have.  I told him it's my first time.  Then he leaded me to the room and explained more in the room.  He mentioned $188 HK style, $238 BM and $2x8 (can't remember) for ice/fire.  As it's my first time, I said I would try the HK style.  He asked me the requirement before he left the room.  Then brought me @!#, similar to the photos in the ad (90%).  

If you ask me, I would say there were no part 1 at all, straightly part 2.  lye down besides me and had my first HJ.  Could unhook the bra and touch and eat nipples.  after 1st HJ, then do little bit "touching" on both hands.  I would not say massage as it really felt like touching.  Then had 2nd HJ, similar to first one.  As BG has another customer and I had 2 times, I let her go and ask her to arrange the free chinese style to me.  $10 tips for the chinese style and $10 for locker.

Total $188-$20 coupon+$10 tips+$10 tips = $188
作者: pantsu    時間: 2009-5-16 23:03

快快手手搞掂你兩次, 跟住又下一個
作者: max6    時間: 2009-5-16 23:07

Is it a standard for 2 times HJ in this sauna?
If yes, it is so attractive in this price :_n9: :_n9: :_n9:
作者: showing2009    時間: 2009-5-16 23:27

Max6 ching: As it's my first time to try, I have no idea about if it's standard.  It's better to let other Ching to answer this question.

pantsu ching: it's still a job for her, as long as I am done.  Letting her to have next one is reasonable to me.
作者: 秋田禾夫    時間: 2009-5-16 23:50

覺得showing兄玩得有品, 囡囡會唔會番食?
作者: 發仔    時間: 2009-5-17 01:00     標題: 回復 1# 的帖子

What a big ball girl she is!
How about her attitude towards you?
Did she behave like your girl friend?
Or did she give you a french kiss ?

[ 本帖最後由 發仔 於 2009-5-17 01:01 編輯 ]
作者: lilibuttket    時間: 2009-5-17 01:19

thx for sharing ching
作者: showing2009    時間: 2009-5-17 08:50

秋田禾夫 Ching: Thanks for saying that.  regarding your question, I may not go back at the moment as it's my first time try / bone.  I may want to try other BG or other sauna before I go back.

發仔 Ching: Her attitude is nice, I don't know if that's girlfriend feel since I don't know much about mandarin.  Even though she can understand cantonese, still not very good in talking.  However, she is quite talkative.  She didn't give you french kiss and she didn't kiss my lips at all, but she did kiss my face.
作者: lowie516    時間: 2009-5-17 10:11

照c兄所講佢肯主動出2次服務算ok la
作者: pantsu    時間: 2009-5-17 10:18

原帖由 showing2009 於 2009-5-16 23:27 發表
Max6 ching: As it's my first time to try, I have no idea about if it's standard.  It's better to let other Ching to answer this question.

pantsu ching: it's still a job for her, as long as I am don ...
我明白師兄非常有品, 就係因為佢有下一個客晌度等, 係咪咁樣先醒多你一次呢 ? (我相信你唔係熟客第一次就一定冇兩次) 其實佢應該入黎既時候就應該出聲話比客人知, 就唔駛到最後有咩野誤會, 到幫個客玩第二次既時候, 等個客人覺得佢絕對唔你馬虎了事 !!
作者: Yip佬    時間: 2009-5-17 10:44

原帖由 pantsu 於 2009-5-17 10:18 發表

我明白師兄非常有品, 就係因為佢有下一個客晌度等, 係咪咁樣先醒多你一次呢 ? (我相信你唔係熟客第一次就一定冇兩次) 其實佢應該入黎既時候就應該出聲話比客人知, 就唔駛到最後有咩野誤會, 到幫個客玩第二次既時 ...
作者: pantsu    時間: 2009-5-17 10:48

原帖由 Yip佬 於 2009-5-17 10:44 發表

教養問題, 因為 d 經理唔識教女 ............
作者: showing2009    時間: 2009-5-17 11:02

原帖由 pantsu 於 2009-5-17 10:18 發表

我明白師兄非常有品, 就係因為佢有下一個客晌度等, 係咪咁樣先醒多你一次呢 ? (我相信你唔係熟客第一次就一定冇兩次) 其實佢應該入黎既時候就應該出聲話比客人知, 就唔駛到最後有咩野誤會, 到幫個客玩第二次既時 ...
Thanks Pansu Ching: I am not sure as I didn't ask her why she gave me twice.  She received a phone call from that the next customer around 15 mins after she started with me.  She told that guy that she was having customer and ask that guy to wait him either having foot massage or wait in the room.  She came back from cleaning of the second HJ.  Since there were only 15 mins left of my section, I asked her if the next customer had arrived and she said yes.  It's me to ask her to leave at that time.  She didn't ask for it.
作者: showing2009    時間: 2009-5-17 11:08

原帖由 lowie516 於 2009-5-17 10:11 發表
照c兄所講佢肯主動出2次服務算ok la
I think so too lowie516 Ching.  too bad that location is too far away from MTR and I don't know much about taking bus.  Therefore, I may try others first.  There are still many I have to learn from every Ching.
作者: pantsu    時間: 2009-5-17 11:13

原帖由 showing2009 於 2009-5-17 11:02 發表

Thanks Pansu Ching: I am not sure as I didn't ask her why she gave me twice.  She received a phone call from that the next customer around 15 mins after she started with me.  She told that guy tha ...
咁就即係師兄冇阻人發達   提早放人, 有品 :victory: :victory:

不過有時遇著 d 紅牌同 d 旺鐘囡囡, 周不時會出現呢 d 情況 !!
作者: pk人王    時間: 2009-5-17 11:27

原帖由 showing2009 於 2009-5-17 11:08 發表

I think so too lowie516 Ching.  too bad that location is too far away from MTR and I don't know much about taking bus.  Therefore, I may try others first.  There are still many I have to learn fro ...
火車站坐83號正正晌海記門口有站, 十零分鐘一班唔會等太耐遮
作者: TheLunLun    時間: 2009-5-17 13:33

".....I let her go and ask her to arrange the free chinese style to me.."
showing hing. is that 45 minutes free chi. style? promotion?
or it is standard service?
90 minutes /bone & 45minutes +bone & foot = 188?
作者: 四眼仔    時間: 2009-5-18 03:47     標題: 回復 16# 的帖子

提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽
作者: Mars    時間: 2009-5-18 06:36

原帖由 pk人王 於 2009-5-17 11:27 發表

火車站坐83號正正晌海記門口有站, 十零分鐘一班唔會等太耐遮
冇 錯 站 名 叫 春 風 萬 家 :good2:
作者: pantsu    時間: 2009-5-18 07:08

原帖由 Mars 於 2009-5-18 06:36 發表

冇 錯 站 名 叫 春 風 萬 家 :good2:
作者: 夜鬼    時間: 2009-5-19 03:56     標題: 回復 20# 的帖子

作者: warden39327    時間: 2009-5-19 15:14

作者: 樂樂    時間: 2009-5-19 15:35

國際形象下既香港人~小題大做~驚弓之鳥~怕事自大:icon9.gif: :icon9.gif: :icon9.gif:
作者: eskyed    時間: 2009-5-19 15:39

原帖由 warden39327 於 2009-5-19 15:14 發表
作者: showing2009    時間: 2009-6-6 17:04

原帖由 TheLunLun 於 2009-5-17 13:33 發表
".....I let her go and ask her to arrange the free chinese style to me.."
showing hing. is that 45 minutes free chi. style? promotion?
or it is standard service?
90 minutes /bone & 45minutes +bone  ...
It was the manager who told me I could have foot massage free.  I told him I didn't like foot massage then he said he could arrange an hour chinese style to me for free.  I am not sure if it's standard or what.  I saw the bg had to find the manager again first before she could arrange anything.  Therefore, I had no idea if it's standard or promotion.
作者: 骨總    時間: 2009-6-6 17:09

作者: showing2009    時間: 2009-6-7 09:03     標題: 回復 26# 的帖子

yes ar C-hing.  I don't like the pain on the foot.  I like the comfortable feeling of massage, but not the pain.  That's why I don't like Thai style too.
作者: af1high    時間: 2009-6-7 09:42

作者: 大袋淫魔2005    時間: 2009-6-7 10:12

作者: showing2009    時間: 2009-6-7 13:24

Agreed.  I don't think twice is a must for any place.  Maybe I showed her respect for the whole time so she gave me the second time.

thanks all C-hing for the reply.
作者: hoifumoson    時間: 2009-6-8 01:36

作者: showing2009    時間: 2009-6-12 16:57

I didn't ask for twice.  it's the js gave me twice.

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