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作者: takeoto    時間: 2009-1-21 00:49     標題: 正骨報告一則~

地點....深喉對面的Gold Coast Club...


估唔到星期一晚都咁多人 而且仲冇左冷氣,不過都坐低左,冇計 走左去餐廳果度坐,因為果度有個大window可以打開~基本飲料同生果任點,叫做ok喇:victory:" />" />" /> 而家大堂好似做緊$1一項大堂項目 同d fd一路吹到兩點幾至上鐘 因為係揀土耳其式,即是推油,所以安排係泰式床,因為要過夜嘛,所以想訓得好d,值得一讚既係d床全部有鎖的,而且環境好新淨,訓得幾好:victory:" />" />" /> 但技師就一般了,因為第一次去,冇相熟的,加上太晚了,朋友的飯盒都下班了

價錢方面,因朋友係會員,有20% off.而土耳其式兩粒鐘$198,小費我簽左$50(見有30同100 )合共$210.冇打折可能會貴左少少,不過咁既環境又好似差唔多 唔知有冇c兄提供一下差唔多質數既地方呢 另外一提,如果多人一齊,可以搵個功能房,打牌唱k吃飯...應該好好玩的


作者: deaddg    時間: 2009-1-21 00:57

原帖由 takeoto 於 2009-1-21 00:49 發表
地點....深喉對面的Gold Coast Club...


估唔到星期一晚都咁多人 而且仲冇左冷氣,不過都坐低左,冇計 走左去餐廳果度坐,因為果度有個大window可以打開~基本飲料同生果任 ...
不過我見果度港式$158~仲平過泰式$168 ge?
& $198果個土耳其風情係咪即是機餐呢?
作者: takeoto    時間: 2009-1-21 01:17

我果件感覺唔到有鼠味.....不過臨走佢問我駛唔駛留個電話比我 當然我唔會拒絕喇
作者: deaddg    時間: 2009-1-21 01:54

原帖由 robertchan 於 2009-1-21 01:19 發表

sorry, 係我睇錯,我道歉!



作者: takeoto    時間: 2009-1-21 02:12

原帖由 robertchan 於 2009-1-21 01:19 發表

sorry, 係我睇錯,我道歉!



作者: 1mongkok    時間: 2009-1-22 01:50

原帖由 robertchan 於 2009-1-21 01:02 發表

Robert brother, why no mood to report this sauna. Is this one is too normal, regular & no special surprise  :icon2: :icon2: :icon2:
作者: ddpk    時間: 2009-1-22 10:35


作者: TheLunLun    時間: 2009-1-22 12:14

i went there also last week(my friend insist went there).
spent ~$350.....quite expensive...
chinese style + 2 lobby service + one meal + sleeping
totally no rat smell......  
i really hate that +10% service charge in this kind of grand club....
作者: TheLunLun    時間: 2009-1-22 12:33

actually on that day we need a + bone rather than / bone.....
i think the surprise and feeling during catch rat could not be found in / shop...
作者: 1mongkok    時間: 2009-1-22 12:43

原帖由 TheLunLun 於 2009-1-22 12:33 發表
actually on that day we need a + bone rather than / bone.....
i think the surprise and feeling during catch rat could not be found in / shop...
Agreed ! It depend your luck, timing or BG need $$$ or not
作者: TheLunLun    時間: 2009-1-22 13:14

原帖由 robertchan 於 2009-1-22 12:42 發表

Absolutely!and girlfriend feeling as well.

So, u may understand why 皇 x is so pupular in this aspect.
Have u tried any other pure bone shop with good services in sz ? any experiences to share ...
ye ye yeah. 'wong ma' is 明鼠
i would wonder if some + shop provide 暗鼠
as brothers said, it is really depends on luck!!
i experienced once in 'shui du' having a chinese style.
the bg is young, pure, polite, soft, talkative, gf feel...
and she provided me a half-rat (no shoot out) memorable
but no go there long time lar....
grand shop...too expensive and the +10% fee    
作者: ilovesz    時間: 2009-1-22 13:25

原帖由 robertchan 於 2009-1-22 12:05 發表

The shop is not bad, however the price is not competitive.  I would wanna go to Pacific Ocean for pure bone massage.

No mood is no mood, can't tell.
periodic moodless !
作者: ilovesz    時間: 2009-1-22 13:30

原帖由 robertchan 於 2009-1-22 12:42 發表

Absolutely!and girlfriend feeling as well.

So, u may understand why 皇 x is so pupular in this aspect.
Have u tried any other pure bone shop with good services in sz ? any experiences to share ...
rat plane is sub-classified into (1) Real one and ( 2) Fake one

(1) Real Rat - like in Royal Room Holiday : only very minority can enjoy !

(2) Fake Rat - almost every customer can enjoy !

only Real Rat can give you gf feel !

[ 本帖最後由 ilovesz 於 2009-1-22 13:31 編輯 ]
作者: ilovesz    時間: 2009-1-22 13:34

原帖由 robertchan 於 2009-1-22 13:30 發表

Hey, brother ilovesz, how's going ?
How will you plan for the chinese new year holidays ? stay in HK ?  
no lah ! am forced to go overseas !

no chance to visit SZ saunas during CNY !
作者: ilovesz    時間: 2009-1-22 13:36

原帖由 robertchan 於 2009-1-22 13:34 發表

ha ha~~ ...49.99% agreed.:smile1: :smile1:
My experience told me.....I got such feeling in the typical / shop===> Tsui Chuk
good on you !

pm the no asap !
作者: TheLunLun    時間: 2009-1-22 14:24

Tsui Chuk really a good mix of + / bone with reasonable price:good2:
I went there several times a year ago (follow chings cannon).
However, it is so crowded everytime...just like taking MTR during peak hour....
作者: TheLunLun    時間: 2009-1-22 14:47 is tough....hand stop mouth stop....
such a small staff how can free out during weekday day time ar.....
anyway i enjoy weekday trip!
作者: jochanhk    時間: 2009-1-22 22:55

It is really expensive pure massage place especial the 10% SC.
It is also very expensive even you got the mouse plane in this pure massage
according to my experience. I am much prefer to strictly go to the place like
they provide the services ie: Sum Hoi

作者: tomboy1647    時間: 2009-1-22 23:17

why so much English?
作者: deaddg    時間: 2009-1-23 00:25

原帖由 tomboy1647 於 2009-1-22 23:17 發表
why so much English?
作者: kakaol    時間: 2009-1-28 22:37

原帖由 deaddg 於 2009-1-21 00:57 發表

不過我見果度港式$158~仲平過泰式$168 ge?
& $198果個土耳其風情係咪即是機餐呢?
作者: 長江一號    時間: 2009-1-30 16:31

作者: t1127    時間: 2009-2-13 16:52

好似幾平wo, 試試先
原帖由 takeoto 於 2009-1-21 00:49 發表
地點....深喉對面的Gold Coast Club...


估唔到星期一晚都咁多人 而且仲冇左冷氣,不過都坐低左,冇計 走左去餐廳果度坐,因為果度有個大window可以打開~基本飲料同生果任 ...

[ 本帖最後由 秋田禾夫 於 2009-2-13 17:11 編輯 ]

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