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標題: 海濱水療 [打印本頁]

作者: faifaifai    時間: 2008-11-24 20:00     標題: 海濱水療

Heard that  海濱水療 re-opened...
I hadn't been there for years, because they did arrange people in BIG room of 6 people.
And I really do not want to do the massage together with other people.

Tried last week, and found that it is much better than before.
No need to share room with others.
Most BG are not young.

I tried one, not too old, and sometimes touch my 袋袋, so my brother wake up...
But always stop whenever my brother wake up...
Accetable, and the normal bone skill is really good, and others are bonus...
will go there again...

Go at around $500 (forgot the details), only remembered $20 locker, $20 changing room and $150 tips.
作者: paulho1234    時間: 2008-11-25 03:06

作者: herman    時間: 2008-11-25 10:23

原帖由 faifaifai 於 2008-11-24 20:00 發表
Heard that  海濱水療 re-opened...
I hadn't been there for years, because they did arrange people in BIG room of 6 people.
And I really do not want to do the massage together with other people.

Tr ...
faifaifai C-Hing,  Good Morning !!   

Thank you for your report of Seashore Spa.  

Could you please PM me the # of your BG?      

作者: faifaifai    時間: 2008-11-25 18:55

PaulHo C Hing

Yes, it is in Jordan, and just add "SPA" into her name.
作者: 秋田禾夫    時間: 2008-11-26 17:02

原帖由 faifaifai 於 2008-11-24 20:00 發表
Heard that  海濱水療 re-opened...
I hadn't been there for years, because they did arrange people in BIG room of 6 people.
And I really do not want to do the massage together with other people.

Tr ...
tips 100 for me is better ok.
作者: tommy_kc_tam    時間: 2008-12-1 19:51

i try *%, ok young (24-28) and ok  face
作者: mark34    時間: 2008-12-2 13:25

in vegi sauna bgs age young or not never care , bone skill is more important than all.
作者: herman    時間: 2008-12-2 15:54

原帖由 mark34 於 2008-12-2 13:25 發表
in vegi sauna bgs age young or not never care , bone skill is more important than all.

The bone skill is the first concern.  :victory: :victory:

My second and third concerns are the service of BG+staff,
and cleanliness respectively.

作者: theo167    時間: 2009-1-7 21:27     標題: 回復 8# 的帖子

young is bonus
作者: faifaifai    時間: 2009-1-8 19:26

Tommy Hing

Can you PM me the BG number...


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