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¼ÐÃD: °¨¥æ 18 ®á®³ÉƹC [¥´¦L¥»­¶]

§@ªÌ: herman    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-16 20:10     ¼ÐÃD: °¨¥æ 18 ®á®³ÉƹC


10:30 - ¤WÀô«H¼w¶¼¯ù, $50 (¨â¦ì)
12:30 - ­¼²î¥Xµo, $120 (¯S¥­)
13:30 - ¨ì¹F°¨¥æ
14:00 - ¨ì¹F¤jÁɨ®³õ, $50 ¤J³õ
18:00 - ¨ì¹F«Â¥§C¤H´ç°²§ø, ¶¼©@°Ø
21:30 - ¨ì¹F³Ì­«­n¥Øªº¦a:  ª÷Às,  18 ®á®³

21:35 - ¤@¤J¨ì¥h locker, locker ¥J°Ý¦³ÉN®M²¼, µª¤EÊ\: µL

21:40 - ¤@¥X¨ì¤ô¦À, ­è¦n¦³ªíºt:

21:50 - ¸ò¦í "¿ß¦æ" show, ¦@¤j¬ù¦³ 150 ±øÉÆ, ¦n¯à¦h,
           ¥O¨ì§Ú³s冲²D³£­ø冲¦í. ÉÆÀ¹ bra ¦PµÛ T-back,


¤W®ü    $455 (45')
          $534 (90')

¤¤¦¡   $774 (60' ¥] HJ)

¶V¦¡/¥x¦¡                     $1,665
¼Ú¦¡/»X¦¡                     $1,705
Áú¦¡/¤ò¬ð¨à(model)      $1,914

d ÉÆÉƯu«Y¦nÕi,  ³s model ³£¦n¦nªi

22:15 - Catwalk show §¹.   ¤j³¡¥÷«È³£¿ï咗¦m.

22:20 - ¨R§¹²D, ®û¦À, °÷¼ö.  
           ³ÄÃ䦳: a) ¤k¤l¤é¦¡¨R²D  b) ¤k¤lÀ¿­I - ¦³

22:30 - 3 ÂI¦¡ ¤j(o)(o) ÉÆÀ°§AµÛ­m,  §Úªº¤â³Q­¢¼² (o)(o)

22:40 - ¥ð®§«Ç§¤¤U¤£¤[, waitresses ¤S¸Ü¤Sªíºt:
           ±ß¤W¨C 1 hour ´N¦³ªíºt+ catwalk show, ¤µ¦¸2ÉƸõ²æ¦ç»R

§ÚÉN¿ï¨ì catwalk ÉÆÉÆ°µ»¨µØ®MÀ\, §Ú°µ¤¤¦¡, ¤¤°ê¤H¶Ü  

02:20 - ¤J©Ð.  ÉÆ«Y°¨¥æ¥»¦a¤H, ¦~¬ö 30¦h¤Ö¤Ö.
           ªi¦³ 34 C, ¼Ë OK, 着¦í°g§A¸È¤JØ{, ¦n¦×哋.

揼咗 15' ­I, ¥s§ÚÂਭ, Ê\°£ bra, ¼¯§Ú¤p¹u, °_¨Ó嗱 !!

Ê\: áMÊ\ (¤p¹u) ËÝ°í ge?
§Ú: «Y¶Ü?  ­Ó­Ó³ÂX¨Ð³£®t¤£¦h嗱!
Ê\: §A·Q­ø·Q°µ§r?
§Ú: ËÝ«}¯q咗§A lor?
(³QÊ\¥Î¤â¥´咗¤@吓   )

§Úª¾¹D¦³±o°e , ¥ß§Y¦^¤w¤@¯º  

ÉƥߧY°£¶Â¦â T-back, §Ú¤S´í¤S°ã¤S­¹Ê\ 34C,

Ê\¤S­¹§Ú lin lin.  ©O°¦¤òÃÉ, ¦h¤ô¦h¥Ä.

§Úª±§¹ 34C + ¤òÃÉ, Ê\¤S§j§Ú¤p¹u,

¤@¤ÀÄÁ«á§Ú¥ß§YÁ|ºX¤J¬}   , ¨k¤W¤k¤U¦¡.

§Ú¨â²L¤@²`, ÉÆÉÆ«YËÝ¥s: §AX¦º§Ú嗱,

喺 30' §¹¦¨咗 800 吓, ¤ô·Ç¦³¤´«O«ù,

§Ú©Þ¥X¤p¹uÉN­@, ¤p¹u¤S·Q¦A嚟 ...... , ¥i±¤°÷ÄÁ .  


04:00 - ¥ð®§«Ç

08:00 - ¦­À\

(喺«×¦@­¹咗3À\ - ¥þ¥])

09:45 -  ¤S¨ì¹FÁɨ®³õ, ¤J³õ $250
             Ú» "¤T¯Å¤èµ{¦¡" ¯u«Y¦n¥¿ !
             ¦³ÉN C-Hings ÄÁ·NÚ»Áɨ®¶ù ?

14:45 -  ¥h揾 "¨®¤ò" (model) ¼v¬Û  
             ¦³¤@­Ó 1¦Ì 76 - 78 °ª, 着®I 4¤o°ª¾c,
             ¨­§÷¦n¥¿, 100¤À  

16:00 -   ­¼²î¦^´ä, $154

Á`¨Ï¶O:        $1,503

²î (¨Ó¦^):       $274
®á®³ (¤¤¦¡) :   $774  (¥] HJ, °e¤R   )
Áɨ®¤J³õ    :   $300  (¨â¤é)
¨ä¥¦¶¼­¹:       $155  (¤TÀ\)

´î§¹À£, ´X¶W­È          !!

¦hÁ¦¬¬Ý !!   

kkbbq¡G¦hÁ³ø§i  ¥[15¤À

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ kkbbq ©ó 2008-11-16 21:05 ½s¿è ]
§@ªÌ: peter99w    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-16 20:32

´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª
§@ªÌ: peter99w    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-16 21:39

´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª
§@ªÌ: ¾B¯«    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-16 22:49

¯u¥O¤H¸r¼}, §K¶O¦³±o¤R.
$774 »{¯u©èª±°Ú.
§@ªÌ: herman    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-17 10:05

­ì©«¥Ñ just4fun ©ó 2008-11-16 20:21 µoªí


7¥S,  ¦­±á      ¦hÁ§A¦^¶K  

§AÂI¸Ñ­ø¥h±o °¨¥æ §r?  
§A喺´ä®q¥h, ³£¦n§Ö·| "°½¸õ" §¹ la  

§Ú¤@ d ³£­øè°¥J¶ù:  
1¦Ì60°ª, ¦a¤¤®ü¦¡¾v«¬, ¦¶胆»ó,
¥ò¸Ü§Úè°¥J     !!

¤£¹L喺ªG«×°µ¤¤¦¡, ¦n¦h®ÉÉÆÉÆ
³£·|°e "¤R" , ¦]Ê\哋·Q¦³¦^ÀY«È
mark ªðÊ\哋  (¦P°ª»ù®MÀ\ÉÆÉÆ
ge ±¡况/Àô¹Ò­ø¦P)  


§@ªÌ: AM    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-17 10:21

Wor, ¦Ó®aÉA¤¤¦¡°e¤²³¥??


§@ªÌ: TheLunLun    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-17 10:37

­ì©«¥Ñ herman ©ó 2008-11-16 20:10 µoªí

10:30 - ¤WÀô«H¼w¶¼¯ù, $50 (¨â¦ì)
12:30 - ­¼²î¥Xµo, $120 (¯S¥­)
13:30 - ¨ì¹F°¨¥æ
14:00 - ¨ì¹F¤jÁɨ®³õ, $50 ¤J³õ
18:00 - ¨ì¹F«Â¥§C¤H´ç°²§ø, ¶¼©@°Ø
21:30 - ¨ì¹F³Ì­«­n¥Øªº¦a:  ª÷Às,  18 ®á ...
oh...very detail report!!
yes ar, live listen to the engine power is another kind of enjoying...
china style $774 include 1Q, good lar but 60mins too short, 90 mins can massage more.
why the Turbo Jet ticket is $120 only?? not $16X ? discount??
§@ªÌ: herman    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-17 11:29

­ì©«¥Ñ peter99w ©ó 2008-11-16 20:32 µoªí

¥Ö³J¥S, ¦­±á         ¦hÁ¦^¶K  

§AÁ¿ªG d «Y°¨¥æ®á®³³õ "±À¼s¸`¥Ø" ¤§¤@ºØ, ¥­®É«YÉN ge     ,

¦³®É·|ª± "¤ôºj®gÉÆÉÆ" ²K    ,  ¯u«Y¦n°­²]¶Ã   !

·í§ÚÖפT¦¸¥X¥hÚ»ªíºt®É, ¤£¦A¬O¤@¡B¨â¥óÉÆ喺¤ô¦ÀªO¤W

¸õ²æ¦ç»R,  ¦Ó«Y¦³4¥óÉÆ«Y¤@­Ó¤j¬ù20§`°ª ge ¥­»O¤W¤@»ô

¸õ²æ¦ç»R, ¦³®Í®g¿O+ªº¤h°ª­µ¼Ö.  ÉƲæ¥ú«á, ³ÂX¨Ð¥Ñ¥­¦a

±æ¤W¥h¤W­±­«­n³¡¦ì  :_n8: :_n8: ,  ´X°­¹L¤Þ  

§@ªÌ: peter99w    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-17 12:13

´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª
§@ªÌ: herman    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-17 14:28

­ì©«¥Ñ just4fun ©ó 2008-11-17 10:25 µoªí

¦³¿Ë±­¨t°¨¥æ¦í¡I°¨¥æËݲӡA¦n©ö¼²¨£¬[ ¡I
7¥S, ¤È¦w

¦³¤W®ü¦¡ bor, ¼²¨ì ¸Ü¥hÂN揼³£­ø±o§r !!     
§@ªÌ: tequila_007    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-17 22:54

¤¤¦¡­ø«Y¤@¦­¤w¸g¦³ 1 Q ¬J«§ ?
§@ªÌ: WoShi@Wen    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-18 04:42

at big boss chinese style including 1q
§@ªÌ: herman    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-18 10:27

­ì©«¥Ñ TheLunLun ©ó 2008-11-17 10:37 µoªí

oh...very detail report!!
yes ar, live listen to the engine power is another kind of enjoying...
china style $774 include 1Q, good lar but 60mins too short, 90 mins can massage more.
why the Tu ...
LunLun C-Hing,  Good Morning !

The ticket was bought from the Brother who sold his ticket
in front of the official ticket counter at the hall.   
§@ªÌ: benben913    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-18 10:29

§@ªÌ: kenny2809    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-18 10:35

¹L©]­ø¾p­Ú¦hd $$¬[«§??
§@ªÌ: TheLunLun    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-18 10:40

­ì©«¥Ñ herman ©ó 2008-11-18 10:27 µoªí

LunLun C-Hing,  Good Morning !

The ticket was bought from the Brother who sold his ticket
in front of the official ticket counter at the hall.      
oh i see...
btw, in 18sn, can we sleep inside the sn room? must get outside after massage?
i don't like sleep in the hall....very noisy.
§@ªÌ: ¥Û¦Ñ®v    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-18 12:54

Hi ¦U¦ì

§@ªÌ: herman    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-18 13:17

­ì©«¥Ñ kenny2809 ©ó 2008-11-18 10:35 µoªí
¹L©]­ø¾p­Ú¦hd $$¬[«§??
­ø¾p¶ù      !!

§A¥i¥H¯d¨ì²Ä¤G¤é¥ý¦Ü¨«, ¥ò  "¥ô§A¶¼, ¥ô§A­¹"  tim  :victory: :victory: ,

¦ý¦³ d ¯SºØ­¹ª«­n¦¬¶O   ú{  
§@ªÌ: herman    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-18 13:41

­ì©«¥Ñ TheLunLun ©ó 2008-11-18 10:40 µoªí

oh i see...
btw, in 18sn, can we sleep inside the sn room? must get outside after massage?
i don't like sleep in the hall....very noisy.h:" />
LunLun C-Hing,  Good afternoon !

1)  "18" is still one of the popular saunas in Macau nowadays.
     There are normally plenty of customers every evening, even on weekdays.  
     Thus I don't think one can sleep inside the massage room, except very special

2)  I don't think one can stay inside the massage room any longer after the massage.
     As I have mentioned above, the turnover is so tremendous (especially during
     weekend) that one C-Hing leaves the massage room, and another C-Hing
     arrives soon.

3)  However, one can sleep in other facilities of the premises:
     -  Sleeping Room with 2-storeys beds (ñF¬[§É)  
     -  Cinema Room with comfortable sofas of theatre style
     -  Main Rest Hall (as you have mentioned above)
     The first choice, of course, is the Cinema Room, but there are only approximately
     20 - 30 seats.  

§@ªÌ: TheLunLun    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-18 14:43

­ì©«¥Ñ herman ©ó 2008-11-18 13:41 µoªí

LunLun C-Hing,  Good afternoon !

1)  "18" is still one of the popular saunas in Macau nowadays.
     There are normally plenty of customers every evening, even on weekdays.  
     Thus I d ...
thx your infos...
i will try try 18 next time, mostly i go 'boss' or 'chi chu' (°]¯«hotel)
§@ªÌ: herman    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-18 15:01

­ì©«¥Ñ ¬y¤ôµL±¡ ©ó 2008-11-17 20:20 µoªí

¦hÁ ¹u¤å¦ÑÁó ËÝ¥¿¬J°¨¥æ³ø§i
¯u«Y¦n¦h¦~¦~¦~ ÉN¹L°¨¥æ°Õ!
ÉAe+ ­«¦³"¤R"°e§r! ¼M! ¯u«Y©è¨ìÄê§r!   

Ũ§A ¦~«C¦³¯Ý «}¦A¥hªGÃä¦æ吓ÅÚ !!   

¦n¦h嘢¦P¥H«e¤ñ³£ÅÜ咗¶ù la     

§@ªÌ: herman    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-18 15:20

­ì©«¥Ñ just4fun ©ó 2008-11-18 10:47 µoªí

7¥S,  ¤È¦w  

§AÁ¿­Ú¤p¶Oµ¹ BG °µ "bonus" §r ??   

­ø¬~­Ú¶ù      !!    BG °e­Ú§A¶ù        !!

¤k¤l¤é¦¡¨R²D,  ¤k¤lÀ¿­Iµ¥ªA°È, ´N­n­Ú¤p¶O la   

§@ªÌ: herman    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-18 15:41

­ì©«¥Ñ jojojo0522 ©ó 2008-11-18 10:52 µoªí

HERMAN¥S. ¤@µf¾¤´N¨£¨ì§A­Ó18¦¡, ­ø«Y, «Y18SAUNA ³ø§i. §A´N¥¿°Õ:smile1: :smile1: . °¨¥æ¹ï¤p§Ì¾¤Á¿¯u«Y¤Ó¶Q(³s¾p¶O). °£«D¦³¤H½Ð. ­ø«YÀ³¸Ó¦n¤p¦³¾÷·|¥h°Õ
¯Zªø,  ¤È¦w        §A´X®Éªð咗嚟¶ù     ??  

¦n¦h¤H±¾¦í§A 嘅¤W®ü©f ??   

®¥³ß§A¤S­¹咗 d ¥¿嘢Ø{   !!   ÂI¥¿ªk§r ??  :thumbs_up.gif: :thumbs_up.gif:

¦pªG¦³ chance ¥X business trip ¥h°¨¥æ, «}¸Õ吓 lor      !!

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ herman ©ó 2008-11-18 15:50 ½s¿è ]
§@ªÌ: herman    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-18 18:32

­ì©«¥Ñ peter99w ©ó 2008-11-17 12:13 µoªí

«}°­ËÝ«È®ð°Õ¹u¤å¥S¡G¦n¦h³£«Yª±¨ìËݲ]¶Ã¦Ü§l¤Þ«È¤H¡A§A¥Î¤ôÂò®gÉÆÉÆÃä­Ó³¡¦ì§r ­Ó­Ó±Æ®Í¶¤µ¥§j¤S¦³±o揸¤Uªi¡A¯u«Y¹L¤Þ   
peter¥S,  Good Evening      !!

¤jªi ge, ºò«Y¥ý®g¤W la   

²Óªi ge, «}¥ý®g¤U lor   

¤¤ªi ????   

§@ªÌ: herman    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-18 18:43

­ì©«¥Ñ fivesixnine ©ó 2008-11-17 21:01 µoªí
¦n¥¿, ¦n²], ¦n¶Ã¬J³ø§i.


§Ú¨t°¨¥æ¤u§@¥ª¦~´X, ¥u«YÃѤW½Þ®ü,

¤U¦¸­n¸Õ¤U¦Ü±o.:victory:" />  
¿ß¥S, Good Evening  

¤U¤@¦¸¦³¾÷·|, §Ú哋¤@»ô:

¥Ñ­»´ä ¥h °¨¥æ,   

¥Ñ°¨¥æ ¥h ¯]®ü,   

¥Ñ¯]®ü ¥h ²`¦`,   

¥Ñ²`¦` ¥h ªF²ð,   


§A±a¶¤ !!   

¤£¹L­øª¾¤@¦@­n´X¦h±Ï°ê¸g¶O ??  :smile1: :smile1:
§@ªÌ: kenny2809    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-18 18:48

§@ªÌ: herman    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-18 19:08

­ì©«¥Ñ kkbbq ©ó 2008-11-16 21:10 µoªí
her»D®v¥S ¯u«Y¬Ù´ä¿Dª±®a ¦n¥õ¼}°Ú:heart: :heart:   

­ø¦n©ïÁ|§Ú la   

§Ú¥u«Y¤@­Ó¾Ç¥Í­ô¥J, ¥u¤£¹L¦³®É·|¥h


§@ªÌ: papa2005    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-18 19:14

§@ªÌ: herman    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-18 19:23

­ì©«¥Ñ ¥Û¦Ñ®v ©ó 2008-11-18 12:54 µoªí
Hi ¦U¦ì


¦n¥h³B   ??

½Ð°Ý§A·Qª±áM嘢   ??

§@ªÌ: herman    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-18 19:40

­ì©«¥Ñ kenny2809 ©ó 2008-11-18 18:48 µoªí

1) ­ø«Y  !!       

    «Y¿Dªù¹ô (MOP)  !!  

    ­Ú´ä¹ô»k¤Ö¤Ö la  !!   

2) ¥]§A喺 " ®á®³³õ¤º " ¹L©]  

§@ªÌ: dutch    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-18 20:10

hung hei c hing ,a happy trip
§@ªÌ: peter99w    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-18 20:48

´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª
§@ªÌ: peter99w    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-18 21:19

´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª
§@ªÌ: funman    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-18 23:13

¦hÁ®v¥S³ø§i¡C°¨¥æ§Ú³£¥h±o¦n±`¤U¡C18³£ºâ«Y¥D³õ¡C18¦³®Éd show ³£¯u«Yª±±o¦n¿E¡C§Ú¨£¹L«Y­Ó§j®ð¤ô¦À¤¤¡A¨â±ø¤k¥|­Óªi«YËÝ¿i­Ó«È±ø¦óB¥J¡C§Ú´N¸Õ¥ø«Y«×Ú»ºò show¡A±ø¤k¨«¹L¾¤¥Î­Óù¿i§Ú±ø³¥¡A§Ú´NÂù¤â´íÉÆÉƹïªi¡C


[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ funman ©ó 2008-11-18 23:15 ½s¿è ]
§@ªÌ: hcli    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-18 23:24

­ì©«¥Ñ herman ©ó 2008-11-18 15:20 µoªí

7¥S,  ¤È¦w  

§AÁ¿­Ú¤p¶Oµ¹ BG °µ "bonus" §r ??   

­ø¬~­Ú¶ù      !!    BG °e­Ú§A¶ù        !!

¤k¤l¤é¦¡¨R²D,  ¤k¤lÀ¿­Iµ¥ªA°È, ´N­n­Ú¤p¶O la    ...
§@ªÌ: herman    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-19 11:27

­ì©«¥Ñ hcli ©ó 2008-11-18 23:24 µoªí



1) ¨R¤é¦¡²D  (§¤´È¤W¦³¤@­Ó¤jÁK, ¤è«KÉÆÉƬ~§A°Æ¶ù¥Í )

2) ¤TÂI¦¡À¿­I  (¦³¿W¥ß©Ð, §A¥i¥H ........À°ÉÆÉÆÀ¿ªðÊ\­Ó­I,
    ¦ý­ø«YÊ\°¦ abalone )  

3) ±Ä¦Õ + ­×¥Ò

4) Áå¤j肶®Ú  (with R JJ   )

¥H¤WªA°È­ø«Y¤@©w­nÀ°Å¨, §Úı±o»ù¿ú´X°ª吓,
¤@ part 25¤ÀÄÁ, ­n¦¬ $170  (¤j肶®Ú, ¹L $200 ¤@ part )  

¤p¶O, ¤@¯ë´N $50 ¤@ part la (¦pªG§A­ø¤Ó¹LÄÐÀãÉÆÉƪº¸Ü   )

§@ªÌ: mm2005    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-19 14:16

­ì©«¥Ñ herman ©ó 2008-11-18 18:43 µoªí

¿ß¥S, Good Evening  

¤U¤@¦¸¦³¾÷·|, §Ú哋¤@»ô:

¥Ñ­»´ä ¥h °¨¥æ,   

¥Ñ°¨¥æ ¥h ¯]®ü,   

¥Ñ¯]®ü ¥h ²`¦`,   

¥Ñ²`¦` ¥h ªF²ð,     ...

¥Ñ­»´ä ¥h °¨¥æ

¥Ñ°¨¥æ ¥h ¯]®ü,

¥Ñ¯]®ü ¥hªF²ð

¥ÑªF²ð ¥h ²`¦`
§@ªÌ: herman    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-19 14:34

­ì©«¥Ñ fivesixnine ©ó 2008-11-18 20:36 µoªí
½×½ú¥÷, ¤@©w«Y­n§A±a°Õ:victory:" />
¤@¦¸¹L, ¥h«{¥|¤j¦W«°;
¦º´N¦º°Õ; ª±¥ª¦Üºâ.
§A¥XÁn, §Ú²Ä¤@­Ó³ø¦W  

§¯....§A ....§A ....ÉNQ¤jÉNQ²Ó      !!                        

§A­øªÖ±a¶¤ ge ¸Ü, ºò«Y¥s d ¯Zªø¯Å
©Î¥H¤W ge ¤H°¨¥h±a¶¤嗱    !!

ËݧÚ哋 d ¦P¾Ç¥J´N¥]­ø·|Ãu嘢 la   :victory: :victory: !!

§Ú³Ì¦h­t³d¬£½¦¥W,  Ãä­Ó­ø­n´N¥XÁn    !!

§@ªÌ: herman    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-19 14:58

­ì©«¥Ñ papa2005 ©ó 2008-11-18 19:14 µoªí

¦³¾÷·|, ¸Õ吓 "§Q¿D" la   

ªG«×ÉNËݦh¤H, °ªÀÉ d    :victory: :victory:

§@ªÌ: oldcat    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-19 15:06

­ì©«¥Ñ herman ©ó 2008-11-19 14:58 µoªí


¦³¾÷·|, ¸Õ吓 "§Q¿D" la   

ªG«×ÉNËݦh¤H, °ªÀÉ d    :victory:" /> :victory:" />
§@ªÌ: herman    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-19 15:15

­ì©«¥Ñ oldcat ©ó 2008-11-19 15:06 µoªí


§Q¿D­Ó theme (Àô¹Ò¥DÃD), «Y " ®õ¦¡¤ôÀø ",

»ù¿ú¤ñ 18 sauna ¤j¬ù¶Q 10% ¥ª¥k la   

¦Û DL ¤@¤é¹C«á,  §A¦³ÉN¥h wet wet §r  ??  

§@ªÌ: oldcat    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-19 15:33

­ì©«¥Ñ herman ©ó 2008-11-19 15:15 µoªí


§Q¿D­Ó theme (Àô¹Ò¥DÃD), «Y " ®õ¦¡¤ôÀø ",

»ù¿ú¤ñ 18 sauna ¤j¬ù¶Q 10% ¥ª¥k la   

¦Û DL ¤@¤é¹C«á,  §A¦³ÉN¥h wet wet §r  ??  

¥D­n³£喺¥h²`¦`Åo, §Aª¾­þ, ¦Ñ¤H®a­ø¥i¥H¦¨¤é¥h¤Ó»·嘅¦a¤è§r¹À
§@ªÌ: herman    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-19 16:46

­ì©«¥Ñ robertchan ©ó 2008-11-19 15:38 µoªí


¥Lªº¦W¦r (old cat ¦Ñ¿ß) ÄF¤F§A嗱   .

¥i¥H喺 DL ¥b¤Ñ ¨« 5 ³õ, ³»Å¢«Y middle-aged cat,

­ø©È ge !  Ê\¨ä¹ê¥i¥H¤Ñ¤Ñ§¤ turbo cat ¥h°¨¥æ °½¸õ¶ù  

§@ªÌ: herman    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-19 17:49

­ì©«¥Ñ kkbbq ©ó 2008-11-18 19:20 µoªí

§AËÝÂ×´I¸gÅç³£¥s¾Ç¥Í­ô  §Ú¦æ¥X¤ô³ò³£¸}¾_  ËÝ«}­n°µ§C¢Ð¯Z¯d级¥Í

ËݧA«}喺¦æ¥X ¤ô³ò ¤§«e,  喺´ä¦¡¯ùÀ\ÆU

¶¼¤@ªM "¦B¾_¥¤¯ù", ´N­ø·|¸}¾_¾_ la   

§@ªÌ: herman    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-19 18:43

­ì©«¥Ñ mm2005 ©ó 2008-11-19 14:16 µoªí


¥Ñ­»´ä ¥h °¨¥æ

¥Ñ°¨¥æ ¥h ¯]®ü,

¥Ñ¯]®ü ¥hªF²ð

¥ÑªF²ð ¥h ²`¦`

¦n­@ÉN¨£§A!  :heart: :heart:   §A³Ìªñ¥h咗Ãä«× wet §r ?  

§Ú¥»¨Ó³£¦n¦ü§AËݽs - ²`¦`¬°³Ì«á¥Øªº¦a,


d ¹Î¤Í¥h§¹ªF²ð, ´N­ø·|¦A¨«,  

Ê\哋·|喺ªG«×©w©~, ¶R¼Ó, ª£ªÑ, ÅÍ¥X¤J¤f¶T©ö  ......... :_n8: :_n8:

§@ªÌ: oldcat    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-20 09:05

­ì©«¥Ñ herman ©ó 2008-11-19 16:46 µoªí


¥Lªº¦W¦r (old cat ¦Ñ¿ß) ÄF¤F§A嗱   .

¥i¥H喺 DL ¥b¤Ñ ¨« 5 ³õ, ³»Å¢«Y middle-aged cat,

­ø©È ge !  Ê\¨ä¹ê¥i¥H¤Ñ¤Ñ§¤ turbo cat ¥h°¨¥æ °½¸õ¶ù  ...
§@ªÌ: herman    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-20 13:19

­ì©«¥Ñ oldcat ©ó 2008-11-20 09:05 µoªí

oldcat¥S,  ¤È¦w :cool: :cool:

100% ¦P·N, "°]" «Y¦nºò­n  :good2: :good2:

¦ý­ø©È!!       ¤H¥Íº¡§Æ±æ   :victory: :victory: ,

¿ð d §A¦h¤Ö¤Ö "°]" ®É, «}¦Ò¼{¹L¤j®ü¦æ吓 lor   

§@ªÌ: deaddg    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-20 13:38

­ì©«¥Ñ robertchan ©ó 2008-11-20 13:35 µoªí

¥H«e¥h¿Dªù¡A¦¸¦¸³£¬~ $1,500¡A¦³¤@¦¸¡AµL·N¤¤¦æ¨ì¥h·s¤¤¥¡°s©±¡A¤W³»¼Ó(¤Q¤ëªì¤­µó¦æ¹L¤p¤p)¶}¤j¡AÁöµMµw¥ó®t¨ìµL½ü¡A¦ý»â®©¨ì¡u¥­»ù±Ï°ê¡vªºª±ªk¡A¥ÑªG¦¸¶}©l´NÂà§ð¤j³°¡A¥Ñ SZ ¶}©l¡C
§@ªÌ: herman    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-20 14:20

­ì©«¥Ñ robertchan ©ó 2008-11-20 13:35 µoªí

¥H«e¥h¿Dªù¡A¦¸¦¸³£¬~ $1,500¡A¦³¤@¦¸¡AµL·N¤¤¦æ¨ì¥h·s¤¤¥¡°s©±¡A¤W³»¼Ó(¤Q¤ëªì¤­µó¦æ¹L¤p¤p)¶}¤j¡AÁöµMµw¥ó®t¨ìµL½ü¡A¦ý»â®©¨ì¡u¥­»ù±Ï°ê¡vªºª±ªk¡A¥ÑªG¦¸¶}©l´NÂà§ð¤j³°¡A¥Ñ SZ ¶}©l¡C
robert¥S,  Good Afternoon  :cool: :cool:

áM¦æ¨ìËÝ Q »·§r ?     

¦Ü¦b "¥X吓嘢", ªG«×³£ª±±o¹L ge   

§@ªÌ: herman    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-20 16:23

­ì©«¥Ñ robertchan ©ó 2008-11-20 14:32 µoªí


(sorry, ­É§A©O­Ó¥DÃD§j¤U¤ôÁ¿¤U off topic ¬J³¥)
¤Q¤ëªì¤­µó, ¦n¦³Â®ɥN feel  

¥H«e¦³¤@¶¡²Ó®á®³, ¥­è°¥¿  :victory: :victory:

(No problem and you're welcome !)

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ herman ©ó 2008-11-20 16:29 ½s¿è ]
§@ªÌ: hk2pin    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-28 23:41

would it be better to buy the package at Shun Tak ?
§@ªÌ: herman    ®É¶¡: 2008-11-29 12:05

­ì©«¥Ñ hk2pin ©ó 2008-11-28 23:41 µoªí
would it be better to buy the package at Shun Tak ?
Good Morning C-Hing,      

To buy the sauna package at Shun Tak:


1) The total cost is definitely lower (about HK$20 cheaper)
    as compared with paying ferry tickets and sauna individually.
    The package should include 2 ferry tickets, 1 type of sauna
    and 1 part of 1 type of supplementary sauna service.
2) It is convenient as you don't need to approach the cashier
    counter to settle the sauna bill when you leave, except the
    other special services which are not included in the package
    which you have to pay for.


1) If you would pay by credit card, a service charge (estimated
    2-3%) would be imposed.  However you would pay by credit
    card in Macau, the credit card company would send you the
    bill in HK$, so it would be cheaper at the end.

2) You would have to pick up the ferry ticket at the desigated
    travel agency which is located on the ground floor of the pier
    in Macau when you would depart for HK.  After the ticket
    would have been collected, you then have to walk up one
    storey in order to depart.


If you would like to enjoy the supplementary sauna service,
like rubbing back, special bathing, foot massage, nail trimming,
you are advised to buy the package.

Otherwise either way would be fine.

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