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標題: 水都 - 性福啟航spa報告 [打印本頁]

作者: bigheadk    時間: 2008-10-7 19:25     標題: 水都 - 性福啟航spa報告

Hello everybody!
Sorry I dun know type chinese but I wanna share my report to all of you.
Dated 4/Oct after K and go into Shui Do with friends at 4:30a.m.. Fully occupied in everywhere then go into restaurant to eat something first. At the same time, 2 spa girls appear and selling spa items. My friends not interested and gonna goto cosmetican area to do facial and sleep.Only me ask the spa girl's mobile number said after meal will message to her.

After breakfast I goto 3+ floor then call her. She guide me to the spa room, very big room and good decoration. Individual shower room and toilet. But the room door can not lock . The spa girl sit on my leg and her hand is shaking my brother inside my shorts said I will be very enjoy that~ After shower and go to the bed. She start to kiss me and shake my brother again. I ask her make love or not and she said next time. Then put some white color liquid on my brother. She looks like a model, long and has pretty face. After 10 mins.Pussy get very wet.  I can not control and kick off all her cloths and goto shower together. She didn't refuse and finally make love with her luu~~~

Total:$818 + $500(tips) "Very expensive,! "
作者: peter99w    時間: 2008-10-7 19:34

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作者: bigheadk    時間: 2008-10-7 19:38

Thanks brother to translate
By the way, the girl can be provide good service
作者: peter99w    時間: 2008-10-7 19:43

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作者: cityofteddy    時間: 2008-10-7 19:45

雖然貴,但ching都講得甘enjoy ,睇黎ching都覺得值wor~:smile1:
作者: funman    時間: 2008-10-7 20:13

師兄,唔計貼士818蚊做個 SPA 真係好Q貴!其實 SPA 包D乜野要咁貴?
原帖由 bigheadk 於 2008-10-7 19:25 發表
Hello everybody!
Sorry I dun know type chinese but I wanna share my report to all of you.
Dated 4/Oct after K and go into Shui Do with friends at 4:30a.m.. Fully occupied in everywhere then g ...

作者: bigheadk    時間: 2008-10-7 20:18

原帖由 funman 於 2008-10-7 20:13 發表
師兄,唔計貼士818蚊做個 SPA 真係好Q貴!其實 SPA 包D乜野要咁貴?
Actually, 180mins spa include 1) bathing in the flower, 2) a facial mask, 3) formal massage, 4) good environment and beautiful spa girl la..
作者: tomboy1647    時間: 2008-10-7 22:14

條囡搵鳩笨七,  當你水魚 ($500 (tips) );   those so-call spa girl all transferred from other 邪骨場 (with normal ML service RMB 300-400/ 1Q)
作者: bigheadk    時間: 2008-10-7 22:58

原帖由 tomboy1647 於 2008-10-7 22:14 發表
條囡搵鳩笨七,  當你水魚 ($500 (tips) );   those so-call spa girl all transferred from other 邪骨場 (with normal ML service RMB 300-400/ 1Q)
Agree, the girl treat me as a "水魚" Coz I could not control myself when 1) the girl burn up my sexual fire , and  2) the girl know that I can spend over a thousand dollars would did not care pay more $100 to $200. Stupid guy just like me
作者: 小光    時間: 2008-10-7 23:00

原帖由 bigheadk 於 2008-10-7 19:25 發表
Hello everybody!
Sorry I dun know type chinese but I wanna share my report to all of you.
Dated 4/Oct after K and go into Shui Do with friends at 4:30a.m.. Fully occupied in everywhere then g ...
Ching, thanks for your good report. May i ask:-
1) did u use condom?
2) just 1 Q only?
3) RMB500 was decided by you or GC?

Thank you!
作者: bigheadk    時間: 2008-10-7 23:16

[quote]原帖由 小光 於 2008-10-7 23:00 發表

Ching, thanks for your good report. May i ask:-
1) did u use condom? I could not control myself in that time, so...

2) just 1 Q only? The place is not CP, I did not negotiate how many Q(s) during 180 mins. wo:smile1:

3) RMB500 was decided by you or GC? When the spa girl was being "啟航" with me, she did not said about the tips. After ML she ask $500 and I was agreed. So I think $500 is not a standard price
作者: ningning    時間: 2008-10-7 23:22

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作者: 小光    時間: 2008-10-7 23:39

原帖由 bigheadk 於 2008-10-7 23:16 發表
[quote]原帖由 小光 於 2008-10-7 23:00 發表

Ching, thanks for your good report. May i ask:-
1) did u use condom? I could not control myself in ...

Wow..  Ching, to be honest, safty is more important, even than fun & money!  When that girl was willing to ML with you without condom for RMB500, u can imagine what is the high risk here.
strongly check to do blood test then!

作者: gutentag    時間: 2008-10-7 23:48

818 + 500 = $1318, and this is RMB, wa, so expensive, can eat many times fat food la
作者: walnut    時間: 2008-10-8 00:46

Well, experienced players know that most of the girls, even those worked in fl, will not ml with you without condom. Frankly speaking, I don't believe it, you are just telling us a exotic/sexy story only, right?
作者: hamgerchan    時間: 2008-10-8 01:54

作者: jtangck    時間: 2008-10-8 02:13

原帖由 bigheadk 於 2008-10-7 19:25 發表
Hello everybody!
Sorry I dun know type chinese but I wanna share my report to all of you.
Dated 4/Oct after K and go into Shui Do with friends at 4:30a.m.. Fully occupied in everywhere then g ...
Dear friend!
Thanks for your interesting report.
I recommnd you to do blood test immediately because the girl ML with you without condom, it cound get the sexual disease or AIDS easily.
Next time please use condom, otherwise you would be better control yourself!
作者: peter99w    時間: 2008-10-8 07:20

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作者: TheLunLun    時間: 2008-10-8 10:47

原帖由 小光 於 2008-10-7 23:39 發表

Wow..  Ching, to be honest, safty is more important, even than fun & money!  When that girl was willing to ML with you without condom for RMB500, u can imagine what is the hi ...
totally agree!!!
on the top of exciting and happiness, it is safety!!
one accident could be a life!!
model body, right? spend about $1500....just treat it as macu trip lor!
important is that ching you enjoy within the 3 hrs!
作者: 戴畢量    時間: 2008-10-8 11:08

原來在內地, model 定義只是高瘦身材,1.7m或以上,反而樣貌是其次. 有一次在K場, mami介紹d (A=MODEL)(B普通)牌
所謂 A=model要 rmb1500/on,得過高同瘦字, 大部份是pork chop, 反而 B=普通只係 rmb800/on, d質數重正.
正如 C HING 花費 500一Q, 貴唔貴, 見仁見智而已, 鍾意Ke話+上慾火焚身, 1000 都比喇.
作者: rfu06    時間: 2008-10-8 11:48

原帖由 bigheadk 於 2008-10-7 19:25 發表
Hello everybody!
Sorry I dun know type chinese but I wanna share my report to all of you.
Dated 4/Oct after K and go into Shui Do with friends at 4:30a.m.. Fully occupied in everywhere then g ...

十月四日唱完k後成4點半同d朋友去左水都, 全場爆滿唯有去餐廳食下野先, 說時遲那時快, 有兩位是巴姐姐彈出黎推介水療項目, 我朋友無興趣, 就去左美容區做臉同訓覺覺豬.我一枝弓同條是巴妹要左手機號碼, 話食完野再發信息比佢.

食完早餐, 我去三+樓就搵佢, 佢帶我去是巴房, 好大,裝修一流, 有獨立沖涼房及洗手間, 但度房門系無鎖既 . 是巴妹坐系我大比上, 隻手伸入我褲浪同我細佬握手, 同我講:先生,你將會十分享受的..沖完涼, 上床, 佢開始錫我同"搖"我細佬(我覺得系卒囉), 我問佢可吾可以卜野佢話下次先, 之後佢落左一點白色的液體(神油 )系我細佬上面, 佢睇落好似模特兒, 高大, 樣靚, 大分鐘後, 佢妹妹都濕哂(你點知架).  我不能自恃, 一腳踢走哂佢既衫(原文), 然後一齊去洗白白, 佢無話吾好最後卜左...

合共 $818 + $500(代支) "好很貴呀!
作者: hips    時間: 2008-10-8 11:55

原帖由 bigheadk 於 2008-10-7 19:25 發表
Hello everybody!
Sorry I dun know type chinese but I wanna share my report to all of you.
Dated 4/Oct after K and go into Shui Do with friends at 4:30a.m.. Fully occupied in everywhere then g ...
Ching;thanks for yr excisting report! 我同意有個model o係前面真係好難頂得順,仲要佢搞你,但安全最重要,反而價錢係其次,因價值觀每個人都唔同!
作者: ccff    時間: 2008-10-8 13:06

very very expensive wow
作者: herman    時間: 2008-10-8 13:28

係 spa 埸卜 model, 高級玩意  :good2: :good2:  一定要過仟人仔  :victory: :victory:

作者: jarball    時間: 2008-10-8 13:58

原帖由 walnut 於 2008-10-8 00:46 發表
Well, experienced players know that most of the girls, even those worked in fl, will not ml with you without condom. Frankly speaking, I don't believe it, you are just telling us a exotic/sexy story o ...
Actuaaly, I totally agree with wainut  Ching's views, the captioned is only a B IG story for drawing thr attention of other C hings who may go to try the expensive spa. Don't beleive it. If it is the real case, the brother should not be so calm to tell you that he did not wear a condom to fxxk the spa girl.
作者: rayhk    時間: 2008-10-8 14:27

作者: rayhk    時間: 2008-10-8 14:28

原帖由 戴畢量 於 2008-10-8 11:08 發表
原來在內地, model 定義只是高瘦身材,1.7m或以上,反而樣貌是其次. 有一次在K場, mami介紹d (A=MODEL)(B普通)牌
所謂 A=model要 rmb1500/on,得過高同瘦字 ...
我反而鐘意細細粒的囡囡, 唔like model
作者: BoneFree    時間: 2008-10-8 15:50

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作者: spamhehe    時間: 2008-10-8 16:53

唻緊美國又減息啦... 港元又要貶值
快 D 放棄聯西匯率同美元脫勾, 同人民幣以 1:1 掛勾啦 :_n5:
作者: henrycn    時間: 2008-10-8 17:48

作者: 陸小鳳    時間: 2008-10-8 19:07

原帖由 bigheadk 於 2008-10-7 19:25 發表

等我又黎玩吓翻譯 水都 - 性福啟航spa報告
Hello everybody!
Sorry I dun know type chinese but I wanna share my report to all of you.
Dated 4/Oct after K and go into Shui Do with friends at 4:30a.m.. Fully occupied in everywhere then go into restaurant to eat something first. At  "
水都 - 性福啟航spa報告
10月4日個晚唱完k為早上4:30到水都按摩 頂佢老咪全場爆滿 唯有去食早餐先;係呢個時候有二個spa技師黎推銷spa項目。我個朋友無性趣走左去做美容項目之後去訓教。我就問左個spa技師電話號碼話佢知食完早餐搵佢按摩。
食完早餐我就走上3樓後電召她,她帶我去spa房、好燃大及裝修得好正,獨立沖涼房同埋厠所。最衰間房無得鎖個spa妹坐係我大腿上同埋伸手入褲襠中同我細佬握手;佢話你會十分享受呢個服務既 之後去沖涼及訓上床,她開始錫我同埋再次撩我條細佬。我問可唔可以同佢做愛但佢話下次先。之後佢用d白色油黎推我細佬。囡囡個樣好燃靚成個模特兒咁款、有修長既美腿及好燃靚女。十分鐘後我發現佢妹妹濕哂;我全失理智下將佢剝光豬後攬佢去沖涼房再次一齊沖涼,條囡囡無反對吓就咁卜左一劑


[ 本帖最後由 陸小鳳 於 2008-10-8 19:09 編輯 ]
作者: bigheadk    時間: 2008-10-9 00:46

原帖由 rfu06 於 2008-10-8 11:48 發表


十月四日唱完k後成4點半同d朋友去左水都, 全場爆滿唯有去餐廳食下野先, 說時遲那時快, 有兩位是巴姐姐彈出黎推介水療項目 ...
thank you rfu06 to translate
作者: bigheadk    時間: 2008-10-9 01:00

原帖由 陸小鳳 於 2008-10-8 19:07 發表

水都 - 性福啟航spa報告
10月4日個晚唱完k為早上4:30到水都按摩 頂佢老咪全場爆滿 唯有去食早餐先;係呢個時候有二個spa技師黎推銷spa項目。我個朋友無性趣走左去做美容項目之後 ...
thanks 小鳳 ching to translate

btw, my report is not copy from other website. c hing can alert me if you can find similar word in other place. be honest, fxxk her without domdom is my false.  both of us is out of control and i feel she need the sex more than me in that moment.  in this several days, we also keep contact by sms
作者: 陸小鳳    時間: 2008-10-9 01:15

原帖由 bigheadk 於 2008-10-9 01:00 發表
thanks 小鳳 ching to translate

btw, my report is not copy from other website. c hing can alert me if you can find similar word in other place. be honest, fxxk her without domdom is my false.  both of us is out of control and i feel she need the sex more than me in that moment.  in this several days, we also keep contact by sms
大頭k兄,絕對相信你是出自真我並不是抄襲返來的。卜佢你唔用袋袋係自己既事,下次再卜佢時可以照樣唔帶囉,一不離二開心d囉、舒服d囉。 不過你自己就要小心賴野呀
作者: bigheadk    時間: 2008-10-9 01:20

原帖由 陸小鳳 於 2008-10-9 01:15 發表

大頭k兄,絕對相信你是出自真我並不是抄襲返來的。卜佢你唔用袋袋係自己既事,下次再卜佢時可以照樣唔帶囉,一不離二開心d囉、舒服d囉。 不過你自己就要小心賴野呀   
thank for c hing's caution  for me, ml with such of these kind of girl is not usual  will pay more attention on going forward lar
作者: 陸小鳳    時間: 2008-10-9 01:28

原帖由 bigheadk 於 2008-10-9 01:20 發表

thank for c hing's caution  for me, ml with such of these kind of girl is not usual  will pay more attention on going forward lar
作者: yankumi    時間: 2008-10-9 12:15

作者: SharpDennis    時間: 2008-10-9 14:42

作者: Tony-lonely    時間: 2008-10-9 17:43     標題: 回復 1# 的帖子

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作者: bigheadk    時間: 2008-10-9 23:53

原帖由 Tony-lonely 於 2008-10-9 17:43 發表
I wonder why so many C Hing went to the mainland spa and said very expensive afterward! Go to Macau la, more joyful & safe with the same price!!!:biggrin: :biggrin:
Agree with Tony C hing opinion, same price and safe for play in Macau and the quality of girl is outstanding. But i feel that although Macau provide a full service package, the girl either china or foreign could not to communicate with you during the service.The feeling is so material. That is the different between play in mainland lor
作者: bigheadk    時間: 2008-10-10 00:06

原帖由 robertchan 於 2008-10-9 23:56 發表

呢 d 就叫............"女友 feel"... :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:  
Totally agree and long time no see lar Robert C hing
作者: 陸小鳳    時間: 2008-10-10 00:07

原帖由 robertchan 於 2008-10-9 23:56 發表 呢 d 就叫............"女友 feel"... :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:   
係女友『灰』呀 呢d『灰』有時要黎你無得閃架
作者: bigheadk    時間: 2008-10-10 00:18

原帖由 robertchan 於 2008-10-10 00:07 發表

Nine months ago settled "The Battle of Pacific". Recently change to challenge the sell membership girl in several sauna, more hard level   And sometimes also goto CP sauna
作者: delayxnoxmore    時間: 2008-10-13 16:43

原帖由 bigheadk 於 2008-10-7 23:16 發表
[quote]原帖由 小光 於 2008-10-7 23:00 發表

Ching, thanks for your good report. May i ask:-
1) did u use condom? I could not control myself in ...
You did Environmental Friendly ML????????????

Good luck to you and your family.......................................

Remember, SAFETY FIRST!!!
作者: hips    時間: 2008-10-13 19:09

作者: bigheadk    時間: 2008-10-13 22:08

原帖由 hips 於 2008-10-13 19:09 發表
Indeed, thank you all C hing to care about myself:_n8: :_n8: , Will have a full checking soon. Anyway, when the crsis is coming, no body can escape...
作者: 甜筒華    時間: 2008-10-13 22:16

嘩~!! 全英report真係少見~

你咁無聊  我地都少見


[ 本帖最後由 kkbbq 於 2008-10-13 22:19 編輯 ]
作者: faifaifai    時間: 2008-10-26 17:11

C Hing...
To be honest, you really need to check...
To me, it is not worth to take such risk to enjoy without condom...
Think, it will last for at most 10 minutes for doing that "Final step", but the risk may last for your whole life...
My simple calculation cannot match in both sides.
So, even you are safe this time, really do not try it next time.
If no condom and you really wants, you can either ask her for HJ or even Oral (comparative more safe.).

Good luck...
作者: bigheadk    時間: 2008-10-27 22:05

原帖由 faifaifai 於 2008-10-26 17:11 發表
C Hing...
To be honest, you really need to check...
To me, it is not worth to take such risk to enjoy without condom...
Think, it will last for at most 10 minutes for doing that "Final step", but t ...
Thanks for the warm caution

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