讓mm了解,當今科技日新月異,手機此等科技產物日日不斷推出新款,只要mm手機功能正常,能收能打,在彼此思念對方時能夠聯絡即可,不必追求時上高貴,經年累月不斷追求換新,只會讓浪費金錢,告訴mm這些買新手機的錢,不如省下給她當做家用....(至於給不給,端當看個人決定.要知道每幫mm買一隻手機,ㄍㄍ你此次的救國之行便少獵了2∼4個K房mm人頭,甚至少吃了10∼20個馬路小天使,影響之大不可輕忽).久而久之,讓mm知難而退,不再無理要求. 切記!救國乃百年大業,可以大量失精卻不要失金唷!以上,純屬小弟個人愚見,藉此希望有機會能與大家分享,造福廣大救國同志,無論新手或是老鳥,大家皆能平平安安救國,快快樂樂回家!更希望爾後同胞們救國時,能與大家相聚珠海,暢談救國趣事! 作者: nelson 時間: 2006-2-6 08:49
提示: 作者被禁止或刪除 內容自動屏蔽作者: oldbird 時間: 2006-2-6 11:22
Good report, I had a similar case in Sa Tsui with a massage girl. She only gave HJ. Because she is cute I invited her to dinner. Then she started telling me she had to support her brothers and sisters to go to school. When it did not work, she told me she took a long time to save rmb 5000 but was all taken by her two brothers.......then she had to send money home to build a house...etc. I told her if she took off her pants I would give her HK$500. She told me to go to vip rm but no ML this time but next time. I said see you next time then. They all try to tell you sad stories. The final goal is to get you MONEY! MONET & MONEY!!! 作者: CHB 時間: 2006-2-6 11:43
Thanks for sharing! 作者: ace 時間: 2006-2-6 13:06
it's sound like funny but I agree it is a common method most bg will do or try. 作者: graysun 時間: 2006-2-6 13:07