Originally posted by mingho at 2007-8-20 20:29:
我次次夜晚去,都除晒衫架喎~~ 又吹又醒架喎
c hing 應真有骨運,可否再分享bg' no.....? 作者: mag 時間: 2007-8-21 17:18
冇我份, 唔就腳! 作者: fung 時間: 2007-8-21 22:39
no.16要列入黑名單 作者: kimchee 時間: 2007-8-22 01:02
I will keep that number in mind, that place used to be very good and popular, don't know why it is getting worse like that. 作者: Longhair 時間: 2007-8-28 22:35 標題: ditto