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標題: 春華 SN 巧遇青春版 魏綺珊 [打印本頁]

作者: iamaom    時間: 2006-12-12 15:33     標題: 春華 SN 巧遇青春版 魏綺珊

Yesterday night, my friend bring me to a SN that I never tried. He told me they provide different style of message, and he recommend me to try 冰火壯羊 ( 是羊, 不是陽 ).
Acutally they provide many different style, the following are what they provide

and etc .....

I can't remeber all of them.
For your information, the charge of 冰火壯羊 and 螞蟻上樹 are  RMB 100, for 120 min. And Korea style, charge RMB 120, and also for 120 min.

For the hardware, their decoration is a little old, I think a little older than 益記.
The Room size is OK, they provide TV , but just 5 station, that's mean they don't provide Cable TV. With a small table , and two chair. A standard bed. The space is more than enough , much better than 鳳凰 and 益記.

For let go back to software, my friend introduce me no. !*, and unfortunately, all BG with no. end with !*, is on day shift, and we went there on 12:30 am. So this shift, the BG with no., last two digit !^. So the manager, bring the BG for me, the four round, is Pork chop, so I throw them out of my room. And the fifth round, I met 青春版  魏綺珊.
Do you remember, who is 魏綺珊, she is ex-TVB news 主播. I think she is 65% like 魏綺珊 but 青春版 . She is slim, and the ball ball seem small. However, her face attract me, so I allow her to serve me...
I like pretty face, more than milk cow...
So I told her, I want to do 冰火壯羊 , but she told me , I better do Korean style, as the weather is a little cold, and 冰火壯羊  is better to do in Summer time. But I really want to try 冰火壯羊 , so I insist, maybe, next time, I will do Korean style.
I turn around, I start to my 背, so it is standard message, with 推背 using baby oil. And after the 背, he start to do my lower part, from Pat pat to foot. She took off my 短富 completely, and do 推 my pat pat with oil. But one drop back, when 推 my pat pat without touch my little brother and spring bag, only work on pat pat gap. So they only provide RPP services. And one point, I want to mention, they don't like  鳳凰 and 益記, with standard package which include HJ and RPP. Therefore, at this moment, I don't know whether she will provide 起 plane services, so just wait and see what happen.

So after the part of my my rear side, she asked me to turn around, and using the towel to cover my little brother. She start to 推 foot and then move the my region with little brother. At that time, she asked me whether I need 起 plane services, the term she said is 起飛. And she said, the charge is RMB 50 . Oh, I think it seem very good price , compare with the SN with Rat plane. But I am not sure whether he allow me to touch her, with this 起飛 services. As on 小加, they will only 起飛 for you, but without touch their body and ball ball, and the tip is also RMB 50. And she ask me, whether I will pay cash inside the room, or she should report the tip with RMB 50. As I have not bring any money inside the room , and don't wait to walk to changing room, so I told her to report the tips with RMB 50 . Then, she went out, to get the tool for 冰火壯羊.

She bring the bucket of rice cooker with hot water, and inside the bucket, it is a bag with small brown color liquid, and also bring a bag with ice. So she took out my towel, and I don't have any cover on my body at this important moment, 青春版  魏綺珊, can see clearly my whole body.

P.S. their uniform, is a 半節短裙, and upper part is a jacket, with 拉鏈 on the centre. So it is easy to 拉開 the 拉鏈 to work on their upper part body.

So she put the ice bag on my little brother for a moment, and then change the hot water bag. And she change alternatively, cool and hot bag, for four time. So after then, she finish the 冰火壯羊. So for first time of 冰火壯羊, it is quite funny, and interesting. But next time, I will try Korea style, which will combine 螞蟻上樹
, and 冰涼 lotion message.
And this moment, she put more BB oil to my little brother, and going to 起飛 for me. 我當然不给他就這樣做起飛. I move my hand to the 拉鏈 , and want to release her bra 扣, so that I can enjoy her ball ball with my hand and mouth. But she told me her ball ball is small, and don't expect too much on it. But actually, I found her ball ball is not so small, at least it is small 吸手ball, and the nipple is little dark. So I play her ball ball with my hand, and she play my little brother with her hand and BB oil. I want to use one of my hand, to play her little sister, but unfortuantely, he wear 絲物 which cover whole her pat pat. Therefore, I can only play on top of her dressing. It is one drop back of this BG. So I try to move her body closer to my mouth, so I can enjoy her ball ball with my mouth. And she is willing to move her body, to let me kiss her ball ball, and her nipple become stand up and harder. Therefore, even I cannot play her sister, I do feel the service is enjoyable. And finally, I release my thousand million son and grand son. She gave me her mobile phone no., and ask me to call her next time, when I come again. They will change the shft for each week.
Oh, I forgot to tell you, 青春版  魏綺珊 's no is !^ .
The SN is near to 鳳凰路, address is 羅湖區湖貝路1053 号 2nd floor ( 京鹏酒店后面) , telephone is 82186162. The will provide car pick up services, so you may call them to bring you there.

[ Last edited by iamaom on 2006-12-12 at 16:26 ]
作者: 小小摩西    時間: 2006-12-12 16:00

thanks for share brother iamaom , may i know where is it ?
作者: goodball    時間: 2006-12-12 16:09

thx bro!it is a very very good report!
i had a interesting to try this message
作者: ottotune    時間: 2006-12-12 16:20

Total how much  ?   
You can not play her sister !:smile1:
作者: iamaom    時間: 2006-12-12 16:22

Originally posted by 小小摩西 at 2006-12-12 16:00:
thanks for share brother iamaom , may i know where is it ?
The address is
羅湖區湖貝路1053 号 2nd floor ( 京鹏酒店后面) , telephone is 82186162

It is just opposite sign of 鳳凰路, so when you take taxi from Lo Wu to 鳳凰路, the taxi will turn right to enter 鳳凰路, and for 湖貝路, the taxi should turn left hand side. If you told taxi driver to take you to 京鹏酒店, I think it is easy to reach there.  Or maybe, you can call 82186162 to ask them to pick you up on Lo Wu.
Hope it can help you, C Hing and brother.
作者: iamaom    時間: 2006-12-12 16:25

Originally posted by ottotune at 2006-12-12 16:20:
Total how much  ?   
You can not play her sister !:smile1:
Total is :

Message : RMB 100
One time clothes : RMB 8 , but you can choose not to use it.
Tip for BG : RMB 50

So for me, I spend total RMB 158. I think it is good price, and cheap enough.
For !^, I can only play outside.

But my friend, he did &^, and this bg ask RMB 150, with BJ without condom.
And finally, my friend agree with her RMB 100 . For this BG, you can play her little sister.
作者: iamaom    時間: 2006-12-12 16:27

Originally posted by goodball at 2006-12-12 16:09:
thx bro!it is a very very good report!
i had a interesting to try this message
so let try and share your experience with us...

I also will explore more BG and share with C hing...
作者: ottotune    時間: 2006-12-12 17:49

Thank iamaom,  full information of this sn for !^, &^,
青春版  魏綺珊.... I insert and add $100 to her sister hole.
作者: brother1699    時間: 2006-12-12 18:45

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作者: leoso44    時間: 2006-12-12 20:04

thx very message
作者: johnI    時間: 2006-12-12 20:19


Very very attractive wooo............must try tomorrow !!!
作者: peter99w    時間: 2006-12-12 21:01

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作者: wingwin000    時間: 2006-12-12 21:09

Originally posted by peter99w at 2006-12-12 21:01:

作者: peter99w    時間: 2006-12-12 21:15

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作者: peter99w    時間: 2006-12-12 21:24

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作者: wingwin000    時間: 2006-12-12 21:25

Originally posted by robertchan at 2006-12-12 21:15:

咁又唔好咁講,我以前都經常幫巴打譯 report 啦,舉手之勞o者,我打字又快,translation快過出骨場報告,不過越來越心淡。 ...本來有個妃羃桷伎幙孎i想出,打到一半,都係唔出啦,算吧啦。([/ ...
作者: wingwin000    時間: 2006-12-12 21:27

Originally posted by robertchan at 2006-12-12 21:18:

阿 wingwin小朋友 英文好掂架,你叫佢幫你譯啦,肯定譯得好過我,你私人比返 2 個鬼鼠囡囡號碼佢,佢一定幫你。
作者: wingwin000    時間: 2006-12-12 21:39

Originally posted by robertchan at 2006-12-12 21:29:

哈哈.....thanks...wingwin 小朋友.....
作者: peter99w    時間: 2006-12-12 21:46

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作者: peter99w    時間: 2006-12-12 22:19

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作者: people    時間: 2006-12-12 22:28

Originally posted by robertchan at 2006-12-12 22:17:

作者: peter99w    時間: 2006-12-12 22:32

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作者: wingwin000    時間: 2006-12-12 23:03

昨晚, 我個朋友帶左我去一間我無去過SN. 個朋友話知有好多唔同款式既信息(是massage按摩呀), 佢介紹我做冰火壯羊 ( 是羊, 不是陽 ).

冰火壯羊同螞蟻上樹都是 $100人仔120分鐘. 韓式是$120人仔都是120分鐘

係硬件方面, 佢d裝飾有d舊, 我覺得舊過益記
間房大小都ok, 有電視但是得5個台無有線電視, 有張細^, 二張椅, 一張標準床, 空間都足夠, 好過鳳凰同益記.

軟件方面, 我個朋友介紹我!*, 但是全部!*號碼尾女女都是日頭開工….果時是12:30am, 無!*號碼尾女女, 個經理介紹女女比我, 頭4個都是 全部彈, 第五個就是我遇青春版  魏綺珊.

你記唔記得, 佢是tvb舊新聞主播, 我覺得佢有65%似魏綺珊, 但是係青春版. 佢好纖細, 細波波, 不過佢個樣好吸引我, 就佢啦….
我叫佢做冰火壯羊, 但是佢話佢韓式好d, 因為天氣冷, 冰火壯羊夏天做會好d. 但是我都是喜歡冰火壯羊, 所以我都是堅持做冰火壯羊, 下次先做韓式. 我轉身, 開始我背, 這是標準信息(你講咩? 都話是massage 按摩), 用油推背, 做完背都推pat pat但是無摸到我細路同春袋, 只是摸pat pat gap, 這麼佢地只是有rpp服務. 有一點我想講, 佢地唔喜歡鳳凰同益記既標準HJ同rpp套餐. 所以我唔知有無起機服務, 只是等下有無野發生.

做完後面, 佢叫我轉身, 佢用條毛巾蓋住我小dee dee開始推腳仲移動刑我小dee dee 部位, 果時佢問我是否需要起機服務, $50人仔. 我見個價比起SN有rat都好好, 但我唔知$50佢比唔比我摸(女女要用she架), 因為小嘉起飛唔摸都是$50. 佢問我係房比現金or 簽小費, 我無帶$$入房, 又唔想去拎, 同佢講簽小費, 跟著佢出房拎冰火壯羊工具.

佢帶左一桶冰同熱水, 係個桶入邊有一細棕色液體同冰, 佢拎走條毛巾, 無野遮住我重要部位,青春版  魏綺珊可以清楚見到我全身.

Ps: 佢件制服是半節短裙, 上身是外套, 有拉鍊係中間, 好容易打開去佢上身”做野”

佢重複地拎個冰袋係我小dee dee度又轉熱水袋, 4次就完成冰火壯羊, 第一次冰火壯羊都幾有趣. 但是下次都是試韓式結合螞蟻上樹同冰涼lotion信息(按摩是massage)

呢個時候, 佢落多d bb油落我小dee dee到想我起飛. 我當然不给他就這樣做起飛. 我移動我隻手去佢拉鍊到想開佢bra扣去享受摸佢波波, 佢話佢波波好細, 唔好期望太大. 但其實我覺得唔細, at least吸手波, nipple小小黑. 我玩佢個波波, 佢用手同bb油玩我小dee dee. 我想用一手去玩佢小妹妹, 但是佢著左絲物遮住個pat pat, 我只可以隔住佢d衣物玩佢小妹妹. 我試圖將佢身體移近我個口, 令我可以去啜佢波波, 而佢又肯比我啜佢波波, 佢個nipple開始硬啦, 雖然我玩唔都佢小妹妹我都覺得好正, 最後我釋放左千千萬萬子孫. 佢比左佢電話我叫我下次call佢. 每個星期都會轉更

青春版  魏綺珊no 是 !^ .

呢間野近鳳凰路, 地址:羅湖區湖貝路1053 2nd floor ( 京鹏酒店后面) , 電話 82186162. 有車可以pick up你….

Translation 得唔好唔好話我

作者: people    時間: 2006-12-12 23:08

非常詳細 親歷其境一樣
作者: on0814    時間: 2006-12-13 00:01

support thx
作者: uzicheung    時間: 2006-12-13 00:43

Good report.
Thanks for sharing.
I want to try this SN too.
作者: goodball    時間: 2006-12-13 01:03

作者: peter99w    時間: 2006-12-13 07:09

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作者: iamaom    時間: 2006-12-13 09:10

Wing C Hing,

Your chinese translation is so great. I think next time, I submit the english version to you first, and then you give help me to translate it to Chinese la. Ha Ha.
作者: peter99w    時間: 2006-12-13 09:26

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作者: Bgor    時間: 2006-12-13 14:00

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作者: Tony-lonely    時間: 2006-12-13 14:48

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作者: peter99w    時間: 2006-12-13 15:05

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作者: ddpk    時間: 2006-12-13 16:05

Originally posted by peter99w at 2006-12-13 09:26:

wingwin仔=桑拿街翻譯王  :th_up::th_up:
作者: 天下    時間: 2006-12-13 17:40

作者: iamaom    時間: 2006-12-13 18:03

Originally posted by 天下 at 2006-12-13 17:40:
!^ told me she just worked there for around one month. Before, she didn't work as BG, but  worked as Hostress on restaurant. And &^ 's apperance is also not bad .

By the way, I went there yesterday again, and want to try &^ . Unfortunately, she was just picked by other customer, and I has to wait for 90 min. So I did !^ again.
This time, I was sucess to put my middle finger on her little sister, and water come out from this little sister hole...
作者: peter99w    時間: 2006-12-13 20:33

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作者: 169169169    時間: 2006-12-13 23:41

thank you brother detail report
作者: wingwin000    時間: 2006-12-14 00:50

作者: wingwin000    時間: 2006-12-14 00:51

Originally posted by peter99w at 2006-12-13 15:05:

作者: peter99w    時間: 2006-12-14 06:59

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作者: fuqing2006    時間: 2006-12-16 21:19

actually, "spring bag" shall be called scortum.
I know author want to practice his English, but if he don't how to spell it exactly. Pls just write Chinese
短富, shorts
拉鏈, zips
作者: wingwin000    時間: 2006-12-17 00:35

Originally posted by fuqing2006 at 2006-12-16 21:19:
actually, "spring bag" shall be called scortum.
I know author want to practice his English, but if he don't how to spell it exactly. Pls just write Chinese
短富, shorts
拉鏈, zips
無所謂啦, 交流都就ok架啦
作者: richcfl    時間: 2006-12-17 08:03

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作者: mrkklo    時間: 2006-12-17 10:03

Originally posted by bigcity at 17-12-06 00:42:

反而就意會到spring bag即係咩野
所以李白 d 作品流傳到而家都咁受歡迎 .
作者: mrkklo    時間: 2006-12-17 10:34

Originally posted by robertchan at 17-12-06 10:31:

咁又唔係呢個原因啵,只因為歷代既科舉考試制度,會考,大學入學試,李白果幾首,出硬啵,如果引用佢 d 句子,又會高分 d ,所以個個都讀,讀返幾首黎旁身,仲可以晌靚女面前淫下屍,附庸風雅,溝 ...
啱 ! 分析得有道理 , 咁你會淫好多首啦 !
作者: mrkklo    時間: 2006-12-17 11:19

Originally posted by robertchan at 17-12-06 10:54:

我最鐘意係佢果首宣州謝朓樓餞別校書叔云.......抽刀斷水水更流,舉杯消愁愁更愁,人生在世不稱意,明朝散髮弄扁舟.....果份放浪形骸的意境。不過如果講到意境 ...
咁正 , 可喜可賀 ! 系咪純朋友 ? pure 過 pure ?
作者: mrkklo    時間: 2006-12-17 11:38

Originally posted by robertchan at 17-12-06 11:31:

yes, 在正骨場,下班後從不做 call 鐘,日出而作,日入而息,對生活之態度很正面,並非刁鑽如我之港人可比,思想 pure 過蒸餾水,人又靚,年青,性格人品俱佳。她是唯一能令小籮拔老鼠慾念全消之 ...
可以搵番個正正經經女朋友都唔錯 , 話唔埋...............
作者: mrkklo    時間: 2006-12-17 11:55

Originally posted by robertchan at 17-12-06 11:45:

.............萬萬不可,普通朋友還可以,要更進一步,絕不可能。一隻候鳥與樹林裡的禾花雀生活方式不同,不能共處,只能在某一個時空在樹上偶遇,在遇上的時間一齊唱下歌,食下果子,之後各飛各 ...

但你睇嚟幾重視佢噃 ! 連禮物都要諗得咁仔細 , 小心上咗船自己都唔知 .

作者: johnI    時間: 2006-12-17 13:04

Originally posted by robertchan at 2006-12-17 11:31:

yes, 在正骨場,下班後從不做 call 鐘,日出而作,日入而息,對生活之態度很正面,並非刁鑽如我之港人可比,思想 pure 過蒸餾水,人又靚,年青,性格人品俱佳。她是唯一能令小籮拔老鼠慾念全消之 ...
  C hing.......same as me ar...

I met one before....very pure....just lunch with her....have girlfriend feel (I guest law..)......
作者: mrkklo    時間: 2006-12-17 15:32

Originally posted by robertchan at 17-12-06 12:07:

君子之交淡如水 , 保持適當距離 , 大家都會清醒 D , 但世事無絕對 ,日子有功 ,
咩野都有可能發生 , 獅子同老虎都可以雜交啦 .

作者: mrkklo    時間: 2006-12-17 15:45

Originally posted by robertchan at 17-12-06 15:37:


咁你找到你嘅幸福 , 大家會替你高興 , 但小左上桑拿街就非眾 C 兄所願矣 !

作者: mrkklo    時間: 2006-12-17 16:04

Originally posted by robertchan at 17-12-06 15:49:

兩件事 , 系屋企養咗隻雀唔等於你唔可以再去森林觀鳥及餵野雀格 !
作者: diy99    時間: 2006-12-18 15:03

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作者: people    時間: 2006-12-18 18:52

Originally posted by robertchan at 2006-12-17 11:31:

yes, 在正骨場,下班後從不做 call 鐘,日出而作,日入而息,對生活之態度很正面,並非刁鑽如我之港人可比,思想 pure 過蒸餾水,人又靚,年青,性格人品俱佳。她是唯一能令小籮拔老鼠慾念全消之 ...
一個咁好既bg真係要好好珍惜 唉.....
作者: people    時間: 2006-12-18 19:18

Originally posted by 精算師 at 2006-12-18 19:11:

作者: mrkklo    時間: 2006-12-19 01:26

Originally posted by robertchan at 18-12-06 21:42:

男人唔壞 , 女人唔愛 ! 通常好女人都會搵壞男人去折磨自己 .
作者: kipkip    時間: 2006-12-28 23:23


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