法拉利電郵由法拉利公司首席執行官「Benedetto Vigna」發出,信中表明:「我們非常重視客戶的機密性並了解此事件的重要性,因此我們已及時通知您。(We take the confidentiality of our clients seriously and understand the significance of this incident and for this reason we have notified you promptly.)」。
信中提到:「我們很遺憾地通知您,法拉利發生了一起網絡事件,威脅行為者能夠訪問我們 IT 環境中的有限數量的系統。(We regret to inform you of a cyber incident at Ferrari, where a threat actor was able to access a limited number of systems in our IT environment. )」