Is nos. 18 & 22 still there ? 作者: hongonryu 時間: 2006-8-31 19:48
Originally posted by zanon at 2006-8-19 10:47:
請問點解呢? 係浪費錢定係果都會屈錢?
went there last year and 500 was stolen. I remembered very clearly as plan to buy thing and count money before dinner. after dinner (my fan paid) the shop closed then went there. after bathing finished and found 500 gone when on the way back home. the pk locker sucker stole money. dont go that PK place. 作者: sams 時間: 2006-9-1 00:06
去過兩次...真係唔掂...果條街d sauna 唔使去 yr money. 作者: 龜仔 時間: 2006-9-1 01:05