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Smelly Pussy

Smelly Pussy

I am not a guy to affect people to earn $ but it was really a very bad experience and I think I need to tell Chings so that not too many chings get the same bad and unhealthy experience.

Few days ago I went to SZ for working. After finsihing the meeting was still early then I went to KH. I did not expect I can finish the job so early so that I went without booking. After shower then asked for !*. Manager said she has a loooooong vacation. That meant she quit the job already, very disappointed. Then asked him to recommend me any big balls and not too short in height.

He recommended me (^ then the nightmare started. Finished the drink and went to the room and waited for 15mins:thumbs_down.gif:. The gal came and we started with the back Part 1. The massage was really only rubbing he muscle but it was not ok i did not come for this.

I turned to the front and started for Part 2. She was siting closing to the end of the bed so I needed to requested her to come next to me so that I can grab her balls and say hello to her little pussy. She move up a little bit and my hands could just grab her balls and touch her pussy. When I touched her under pant and vibrate a little bit, there was a "Very Strong and Smelly Smell" came from the pussy side to my head. I just smell for 0.5 second, I fell dizzy and just liked being punched continuously by Ip Manuch:. It was so stinky smell that even a durian just like perfume.

Then I stop immediately and asked her to sit more closed to me but the pussy faced to the end of the bed. Then I use a lot of imagination of Chrissie Chou and grab her balls hardly to release my pressure as soon as possible.

Then I left even before the time was finished. But it may be psychological feeling, I was still felling the very stinky smell in my nose :_n11: I will for sure keep her in the blacklist forever.

Did any Ching have the similar experience ??


服務算係咁只不過有味冇計, 唔比摸可能又會 blacklist


回復 1# 的帖子

In general, C-hing would like to touch the bg's pussy. As time goes by, such designated action would generate the disease of her organ.  Therefore, do we consider the reason why some bgs refuse the client to do so.  The client may consider himself as a victim when he discovers a bg with a smelly pussy.  In fact, she is the real victim in view of the bad condition in her health.




回復 3# 的帖子

I suppose that the bg would not have a bath after providing hand job service to the client.  Therefore, the client should make his own choice on whether to kiss nipples or touch the pussy for hyigenic consideration.


Actually, the bg is a victim.
She is doing her job only,
No need to blacklist thie bg, although her services are only so & so since she worked in KH.


It is such a dilemma for js, blocking may cause losing the client, but let client deep contact may result in the js's smelly pussy as what brother u talking abt. This girl may soon disappear if she doesn't cure her condition.







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