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­«¦³¥´­·´Á¶¡¯d´ä®ø¶O¡A¦nªö¨¬¯D°Ï¦³C Hing ¤À¨É¤ß±o¡A¦b¦¹Thanks.


I was there for just one time! I have the chinese style.
The room was rather dark and big. There is a small corner inside the room cannot be seen from outside.  The BG was young about 21. Her massage skill was good. we kept on talking in 3 hours massage. She told me that she worked in ¨­²ª®y before. She argued with me whether she has 34B. I told her that my hand told me she just have 32B. Finally we ended up with the so-called §É-tail ¾÷. Sorry my chinese typing is very bad.



